
"Working with" in this case seems to mean "not going to be available at launch".

Is this separate from the Town Hall? Does anyone have a link? Because I'm a mean enough person I want to see this.

Except the Univision executive who would wonder why, after spending all that money developing and maintaining an in-house comment system, the AVClub was instead subcontracting out to Disqus.

Also the TI forums and Rabin's site.

But that's so much more fun to do publicly!

To be fair, Spot.IM *didn't* crash…but auto-updating a thread receiving dozens of responses every minute meant it was a completely unusable mass of scrolling text.

Yes! Begin! All previous murders were accidents and certainly should not be investigated as crimes!

According to the above, they will be posted AFTER the changeover.

That's our Ernie!

Well, that sounds utterly vile.

You got it Leader.

To be fair, it was a version of the joke that very clearly broke the rule against impersonation.

Woah there, they think that Google's policies are designed to enslave mankind under the crushing yolk of female domination, female domination that doesn't know how to change a tire to boot, but they aren't going to use BING.

They have a bunch of features designed to ensure that comments are replies to the article, rather than discussion among commenters.

This makes me very happy. The main thing wrong with season one was the number of characters I wish we had more time to explore. More GLOW addresses that problem

From the geniuses that brought you the AOL Time Warner merger, a hip understanding of what the young people are doing on the cyber!


Well, Christopher Tolkein.

Bite my shiny metal laws of robotics.

I'd think by the end "DEAR GOD WHY ARE THERE TWELVE VOLUMES?!?!?" would have long since overwhelmed any geology/grography centered gripes.