
The whiplash on that was really something. Diana kills Ludendorf, thinking he's Ares, thirty seconds of "oh noes, things aren't that simple", and then Ares shows up. And the minute Ares dies, the sun dawns and the Germans and the British are friends.

I think the idea is that he wants all mankind dead through war, and is trying to expand the scope of military tech to make that possible. See how he's trying to set up an armistice so that will lead to a later, even more destructive war (say, a SECOND War to End all Wars)

I think this movie comes across best in relation to the rest of the DC Movieverse.

Given the amount of money poured into it? It kind of is.

That's an inhuman nightmare, and makes me regret never going to The Melt and also the existence of heart disease.

Look, not every paranoid racist idiot is a fucking Nazi.

I feel confident that Animaniacs will still be good, but it's one of the few beloved shows from my childhood that I refuse to show my lovely partner. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't like it- she was never big on Looney Tunes and thought Roger Rabbit was too mean. And I like her enough that I don't want to have to leave

I hate you and everything you represent.

I think this is the key- Animaniacs had lots of references to things that weren't remotely of the time. And because they could not expect their audience to "get" the reference, they had to be sure the comedy worked as something more than just recognition humor.

Yes, Slappy the Squirrel was angry old woman driven by petty resentment and cruelty.

Dead Like Me.

Ellen Muth is really good, but I can't help thinking of her as the B-list version of Dhavernas. And I spend all my time complaining about how nobody writes star vehicles for Dhavernas.

I largely agree, but the way that they handled Wonderfalls in particular was aggravating as hell. They aired four episodes, out of order, and with a poorly promoted switch from Friday to Thursday in the middle. It was annoying. I don't resent Fox for cancelling Wonderfalls- the ratings weren't there. But I'm glad we

Thematically, I think Rose Quartz and at least one Diamond have to be complicit. I'm not sure it matters whether it's a Diamond, Rose, Pearl, or someone else who delivered the sword blow.

Haven't they suffered enough?!!?

You sure it wasn't the in-breeding? Because the Scarlet Pimpernel was the product of some serious in-breeding.

Any year the Palm D'og goes to an actual dog and not some wishy-washy nonsense of awarding "the canine cast of X" is a good year.

I thought they did a really good job of presenting the "crazy SJWs" as people genuinely trying to be helpful and kind who sometimes cross the line into ridiculousness. Because the world IS ridiculous and also they are 17 year olds desperately trying to prove themselves, and so are frequently cruel idiots.

Huh. Jessica Jones and Kimmy Schmidt teaming up is now all I want in the world.

It has to be which…eh.