
Sorry, I didn't notice behind the poster-stealing visual pull of Jon Favreau in a suit!

Maybe, maybe not. I'm not convinced that there's a time horizon where esoteric pop culture sites supported by ad revenue become proitable again.

I thought the Narrateo hints in this episode pushed it more than ever before.

I think of it as a tribute to Rogelio. Potentially-Mateo learned at the feet of a true master of accents of love.

That's….really good. Bravo.

I think of him largely as "more desirable than Bob Saget in 1997", which isn't really a useful place to judge popular esteem.

I don't think it would. "Decorum" isn't a neutral principle- it's a about respecting the prerogatives of the powerful and the ways things have been done. And in a public context, that's not something to be done lightly.

You needed to storm out wielding a banner reading "EVENTUALLY YOU WILL LOOK BACK ON THIS AND IT WILL MAKE SENSE."

That's a very good point- I'd forgotten that this is a thing that Notre Dame does. I just personally find this whole "tradition" of treating commencements more as grabs for institutional grandiosity rather than events for the students really odious.

I think the question is why "rudeness" is a value we would condemn in this context.

Yeah, I'm sure other students did, and they are to be commended.- I'm just perplexed by the quote from Lidinsky in the article that goes out of its way to excuse the institution.

One question raised by Lidinsky's comments- why AREN'T you protesting their choice of a commencement speaker? I mean Mike Pence is a goddamn monster, and I'm all for demonstrating his evil at any turn, but Notre Dame deserves to be blasted for this as well.

I mean…also the ground beef.

That's not fair; it's more likely he has no idea what a smashed burger is.

Aw, it's kind of disappointing to see the CW revert to the boring old strategy of putting shows that are kind of like each other and that might share an audience next to each other..

"The better for me to HIDE MY EVIL!"

Some day, I hope to have children so I can force them to watch that episode of Arrested Development and see the look of skepticism on their faces as I explain William Hung to them.

The only reason is if you are telling a story explicitly about orientalism- see Iron Man 3s update of the Mandarin.

It's such a good idea, I'm surprised it hadn't been tried before.

This is not reassuring. In addition to the points made by others, Rekha Sharma was pretty terrible on BSG. Now this was not necessarily her fault- Tory as written combined being really boring with being cartoonishly evil- but Sharma showed no ability to transcend mediocre sci-fi writing.