
I think a lot of its success comes from being the only(?) Disney movie that doesn't just have a single girl identification figure having adventures, but that is ultimately about the relationship between *two* girl identification figures. It's themes of sisterhood and friendship resonate incredibly well with young

This is my favorite case of simultaneous jokes ever.

They both deserved better than Ashley.

Well, at least it's different.

They both would have benefited from the addition of Rory Calhoun!

I mean, it is a limited series, so this makes sense.

it should be noted that in context, it would be very hard to come away from this episode thinking "all gay dudes are shitty like that".


I mean, to be fair, they were written two thousand years ago, decades after the chief subject died by different people.

Aw, it kind of makes me sad that the God's Not Dead people are now making boring movies about almost normal people converting to Christianity with only moderate amounts of complete nonsense.

I'm sure this has been noted, but to whoever posted the picture of Emily Gilmore- bravo.

See, I saw this trailer immediately after the trailer to The Shack, so as rote and treacly as this is, it is embedded in my mind as "the LESS treacly and rote movie where Octavia Spencer shares her wisdom with sad white guy with problems relating to cute child."

Nobody appreciates Jacket Guy's pain.

Money reasons, plus a little bit of "I would like to hang out in Hawaii rather than Vancouver" reasons.

They shouldn't be mutants, right?

"It's really not very surprising, given you've been in an awful lot of very successful films. It's honestly kind of odd that you are worrying if we remember you. Is everything OK Anne?"

That's just what a millennial would say.

JJ Is the funniest of the Netflix shows by a country mile.

You'd probably want to retain Ken Marino, older and even more doomed in his optimism.

No, no, NO!