
Or, admittedly, with this movie in 2012.

You cut a witch off in traffic this morning, so it will be this way until you find someone to love you.

So close Aranaktu, but for a 1990s children's film you should be slagging off Millennials for the lazy generational criticism.

"(It helps that this take on the Beast has a wider range of human facial
expression; even with horns and hooves and a coat of fur, he’s more man
than warthog.)"

Away We Go was alright, if forgettable.

Best of luck to John, who deserves this being a success.

I'm a terrible person, so I'm imagining that you are repeatedly disappointed when your relationships don't result in aching sadness like the Alan Rickman plot.


No idea about the technical aspects, but conceptually it should work. It's a very point-and-click-y game, with turn-based combat.

The Peerless Fight was one of the highlights for me as well- I tried to brute force it as first, and got humiliated. And then I realized the answer was for my fighters to hide in a corner while we sent an 11-year-old girl to deal with all the crazy death robots by her lonesome.

I've finished the game, and am more positive on it than the assemblage.

The case is basically that "DANNY RAND- WHITE MAN WHO SHOWS UP AND IS THE BEST AT THE MYSTIC ARTS OF THE ORIENT" (much like the similar origin of Doctor Strange) is boring racist pulpy shit. This was par for the course in the 1970s, and there absolutely have been good stories told with the character of Rand despite

The badass Giles card always, always worked.

I'd say that ends with the library confrontation in Prophecy Girl.

I haven't watched in a LOONG time, but while this theory was floated, my impression is that there's no reason to think it's accurate. Andrew and The First are, after all, idiots.

I find that "Standing in the way" is a strong enough sequence in isolation that I buy it as Giles' genuine, misguided angst.

You may have noticed that the vigilante murder of terrible people in real life is frowned upon.

The Trio was a really good idea- a clever subversion of Buffy Villains as heightened magical versions of real-world assholery. And in many ways they were far ahead of their time- I imagine right now they play as a really heavy-handed Gamer Gate/General MRA assholery commentary.

This is entirely in keeping with the spirit of the trio.

I love Pumpkin.