
On Navy's personality, we've just recently seen Homeworld gems being very chill and quite eager to turn on homeworld in the human zoo arc. I can buy that at least one Ruby will flip quickly to the Crystal Gems side (indeed I still expect that to happen- maybe the clueless one?).

Though the Avocado is dependent on free hosting from Disqus, whose business model doesn't make "sense" per se.

There should be a button up top to make them full-screen- it appeared for me in Chrome, but not Firefox.

Well, the onion part is fixable.

Of course as soon as I posted this (in the wrong article because of unclear links), the button to expand comments to full-screen and thus make them readable went away for me (Using Firefox- once I switched to Chrome the problem fixed itself).

I honestly don't mind the new format. It requires an extra click or two to become readable, but I see the value to others of having an endless newswire stream uninterrupted by our unofficial senseless prattle, and if I cared about efficient use of time I wouldn't be reading the AV Club.

Posted on the wrong thread because I don't understand the new comment system. CONSARN IT!

In a sense, Noah is correct. Trump has the ability to develop a rapport with a crowd, to steer the mob through a series of emotional responses.

Aw, I love Oz. I love the way he is so calmly accepting of the ludicrous world in which he lives.

On the West Wing, Harry Groener had a small role the Secretary of Agriculture, who is asked to stay away from the State of the Union in case of disaster.

I kind of like the idea that directors have to lie to Samuel L. Jackson about the political commentary in movies he's in, no matter how transparent the allegory.

Russia's very protective of Dan Fogler's career. No one knows why.

Bad comment username synergy Rupert, BAD!

The truth is that "folksy feller who really wants to be a big snake" is a lot more interesting than "big snake"

Silly Tyrannorabbit, don't you understand that the real hatespeech is against metalheads?

I assume it was just easier to get a show like this produced with a retro-IP attached.

I'll have you know Bobby Kennedy had spent time in the trenches of Justice! IN THE TRENCHES!

In all sincerity, why? 90% of what Ed does is administer Federal Aid for college, special education, and provide funding to schools serving poor communities. Whatever your feelings on the current specific policies we use to distribute this money, I don't see why anyone with progressive leanings would want those

Adequate (the boy) to great (the Stephen Tobolowsky).

It's an absolutely shameless throwback to 1970s Norman Lear multicams that address ISSUES, and it does it really well.