
I’m still conflicted about the side-quests in this game. I like the idea of stumbling onto random horrors, but I entered a house and started a record player and it caused a couple of enemies to ambush me, and I didn’t seem to have enough items to fend them off and survive. The game auto-saved right as I started the

Not sure if you have PS+, but the RE1 Remake was free on there a few months ago. If you’re like me and you just claim all the free stuff without thinking about it, you might have it in your library.

You’re at the ONE POINT where the level-gating is actually an issue. I felt the same way, and even bought into some of the talk about the level-booster being a cheap marketing tactic, but as soon as you finish up that region you’ll start getting more experience than you know what to do with.

Tangentionally related: I

I saved the last few missions of Blood and Wine for over a year. Same reason. It was just such a sprawling masterpiece of a game, and I liked the feeling that there was still something out there for me to do.

Honestly if you took that level out, Half life 2 stands as a pretty standard and dated shooter even by the standards of the day.”

Sorry, but that’s fundamentally wrong. Half-Life 2 was leaps and bounds more advanced than most of its peers. It was visually spectacular at the time, and single-handedly revolutionized

This isn’t necessarily inert, though, because it takes place 10,000 years before the regular series, so we probably won’t already know what’s going to happen to all of the characters.

The point was that it allowed for Kinect integration, so you could just tell your Xbox to watch a channel or a show and it would communicate your command to the cable box. It was actually really cool functionality, and ahead of its time given the current popularity of Alexa and Google Home. Also, it freed up an HDMI

Amazon actually does have UHD. It’s sort of weird and unintuitive (you have to select a special 4K-UHD listing for whatever thing you want to watch), but on the upside, they don’t charge a premium on top of your normal Prime subscription to watch them, the way Netflix does.

I think if we were convinced these were just launch issues, it wouldn’t be a big deal. But this has been a problem with every single Smash game online since Brawl, and Nintendo has never fixed it. And this time they expect people to actually pay for it.

It’s not as extreme as some interpolation, but it’s DEFINITELY noticeable in that video, even without full-screening the video.

You can pirate just about anything, too, which is just as illegal as creating a screen-recorded library of streaming movies. I’m looking for solutions that are legal and still support the films/TV shows that I love.

You know you can lose those too if (when) a store closes down, right? Or when a licensing deal lapses, or when the owner of a storefront decides they no longer want to continue hosting their competitor’s content? If you’re buying digital content, you’re not owning that movie/TV show/etc., you’re owning a *license to

It would be nice if they ordered another season of Beavis and Butt-Head, seeing how great the last one was. Then again, I don’t even know what they’d watch in between shorts, because I have no idea what even airs on MTV anymore.

Just a guess here, but Morricone was probably speaking off-the-record, and he was quoted on-the-record. I doubt the author would have completely fabricated something like that, but I also don’t think Morricone would speak so openly and then take it back right after unless he hadn’t expected his comments to go public.

I gave up on Destiny 2 when they didn’t have a way to get Forsaken without buying the two weak DLCs that came before, too. They fixed that later, but they still have that godawful “Annual Pass” situation now, so even though I could drop $40 on all of the current DLC right now, I don’t want to because I know they’ll

You have to softly hold the right trigger (or R2), until the meter fills around the button prompt. THEN you hit it the same trigger button all the way in, and can aim and fire in slow-motion.

It’s weirdly convoluted (like so many things in this game) and poorly explained in a dialogue box the first time you run into a

Bad Lieutenant?

I made the same choice and had the same outcome. The problem isn’t that you can’t do anything about your decision, it’s that the way it’s presented is extraordinarily bizarre and poorly signposted. Hours and hours after making the decision, Barnabas, your captain, mentions before setting out from a completely

It’s technically not even part of Half-Life 2; it was a side-story Valve released for free as a tech demo. Still cool.

“This movie I never saw is terrible and you’re stupid if you like it.”