Ross Shannon

If anyone was going to introduce time travel for real into this show, it needed to be Jack Bender.

In terms of fan popularity versus screen-time, he’s gotta be in first place.

The whole sequence reminded me of Aliens, with the wights coming in through the ceiling, and Summer essentially taking on the Hudson role of charging in screaming “You want some? You want some?”

That would be great. The poor actor has been wondering for six years why he signed such a long contract.

Pretty sure this is a retcon.

The main turn-off I find with Herbert’s Dune is that he is mostly terrible at naming things. Tolkien came up with beautiful words like Orc, and Rhohan, and Brandybuck. And then you have authors like Lucas with Grand Moff Tarkin or other stuff that is just ugly or jarring. Herbert I think was even worse, Kwisatz

This article is great, but it really didn’t rag on Liefeld’s art nearly enough. The gun that Deadpool is pointing at Cable in that second image _changes hands_ between panels.