Ross Levine

And yet they're celebrating that they all have equally bad taste in men…? Hm….

Hey now, I remember US Marshals! While no where as good as Fugitive it had (a surprisingly vanilla in character) Robert Downey Jr., and really, the same Mctiernan esque qualities on a slightly less riveting scale, but really? No one remembers? It still was quite a solid movie, I only wish sequels contained as much


Also, the universe crossover they did for SNL when Jerry Seinfeld ended up at OZ (and they filmed and cast it like a short OZ ep/vinegnette to boot) WAS rather priceless, and an unprecedented way in itself to followup on the rather divisive Seinfeld series finale.

Heh, that "Safe times or Else" dig regarding how a Fast Times remake would be received was pretty darn apt actually.

To be fair, most people are insufferable pricks who don't kill people…most people…

Everything about this movie did seem heavily cliche' and pandering, but if it's indeed a "Very Bad Things" meets "Weekend at Bernies" take with a gender swap, as the trailer heavily implied, I'm honestly not too put off from giving it a go. Originality seems dead these days, and further evidence of that makes me sad,

It's funny, I've seen this shootouts before and Arby's wins, and oddly, despite your conclusion making no mention of them, even how you wrote about them still makes Arbys seem like the winner, since the complaints only got more voluminous after that.

I have always been fond of Kelsey Grammer, granted beyond some of his drug habits I've largely never indulged in stories about his personal life (Can't tell if that is willful ignorance on my part or if that outside of tabloids he's kept his personal life pretty mum…surprisingly, or maybe just the spotlight has been

You know, the more I think about it, I don't really feel super guilty for making my parents drag me to Disney Movies and such…I DO feel kind of bad about Mortal Kombat Live…that was embarrassing for everyone. My Grandma taking me to see Demi Moore's "Striptease" was a bit….awkward.

Hey no fair, I saw Ninth Gate in theaters with a friend when we were in our teens! Yeah, I remember being a little surprised we saw such a dark moody Polansky film, but I'm glad we did, always had a soft spot for that movie. It certainly had atmosphere!