Roso of the Jungle

I have learned over the years when I go into an Indian, Thai, Mexican restaurant and want something spicy I say “can I get that extra spicy please. And not white guy spicy, spicy like you would make for yourself spicy” I don’t know if this is rude but it usually gets them to bring the heat.  

Everyone I was watching the match with had an instant emotional response. 

Anyone who watches futbol should know the rules. It shouldn’t have to be explained. If you were a Man City fan and felt gypped, learn the rules of the game you profess to be a fan of.
Also, suck it Man City!

If I was the ref I would not oblige him with that bullshit. 

Correct. It’s the Deathstar from Jedi. They are going to retrieve Palpatine as he is not dead, obviously.

Because I will give you 40 bucks for em, that’s why.

You could always book your own flight back. They can’t make you leave once you are there. Free flight TO Hawaii.

Actually a wedding registry is for family and friends to buy you gifts, not strangers. The idiot who posted it on his blog is an idiot. 

They couldn’t bump his car with a police cruiser until he woke up? 

Hopefully this latest payment to the brothers did not come in check form.

First off, I hate DeVos, I hate Trump. Second, I have volunteered for Special Olympics in the past. I do understand how some out of touch rich person can say they raise 100 million on their own, we are just cutting out the 17 we pitch in. It’s not going to kill the org and hopefully some people will donate more

You are thinking Mossimo. Mr. Aunt Becky.

I hate when judges try to act cute. Many of them are egotistical shit for brains.

Can someone just assassinate this bitch already?!

Kids? What about adults? Who still indulges now and again? Raise a hand.

People are aware that when the level of talent is so varied between teams in women’s sports it is easier to put up record numbers? They know this, correct? 

Actually drinking water is scarce in some areas so for those without Aquafina, Busch Light is the next best thing.

She is the one that was actually pretty without surgery. 

Less attendance at games and less viewership on televised games = less money. I know math can be a struggle for some people but this one isn’t too hard to comprehend. 

As long as he is throwing the same for each person then what’s the big deal?