
I got curious about what info was out there on the actual risk—the American cancer society references slightly higher risk for post menopausal women. It kind of makes sense that a uterus that is actively growing and shedding endometrium would be capable of ejecting particles over time.

I know you wrote this over a year ago, but I just saw it now and ah! Ah! That sounds like a terrible idea.

If I fits, I sits.

They are astonishingly unattractive men. Even Donald Trump was reasonably good looking in his thirties. I don’t understand how two men who grew up in the spotlight could have such awful taste in personal grooming and, apparently, have not found a dermatologist.

I have a bit of sympathy in these settings for the person in reaction shot (not for Gibson, fuck that guy). You don’t know exactly where the speaker is going, but you know millions will parse you face. Easy to get caught with a dumb look on your face, especially when cameras are super close to you trying to get a

I don’t think McCain is speaking in support of Trump, I think she is saying that this type of speech alienates base republican voters. I think it is true, as they are a bunch of whiny babies whose fee fees are hurt by someone not enjoying duck dynasty, but I’m not sure that is reason enough to give in to their ever