
Emma Watson being beheaded, what’s not to like?

Stupid idea. Over and above the fact that we wouldn’t be having this conversation if someone had shot Hitler (other than Hitler), it misses the point, no Hitler, no Israel, fi cars, Apollo moon landings, smartphones or computers, non stick frying pans, the list is endless.

In answer to the question why did she help the Nazi’s, probably because she was French, there were more anti semites in France than there ever were in Germany, it’s the same now, ever hear of a chappie by the name of Dreyfus? As to the hyena nickname it probably referred to her androgynous appearance more than

Making sacrifices *of* the people you love... There I fixed it for you.

Am I missing something because the silencer box for the Chiron (which is basically a Veyron with the turbos turned up) looks like its designed to cause as much back pressure as is possible, which is bad when you want to get a lot of hot gas out of a bunch of small pipes... Is there a reason why they’ve made the thing

Probably because they’re to all intents and purposes stem cells so they’re motile, as to the repurposing/realignment that’s a cellular cluster ability that dates back to when oxygen based life was the new iPhone.

I’d love to know the percentage of cancer patients who die, like my partner at age 22, because doctors say, despite a history of sexual abuse, you’re too young to have cervical cancer at 14. The highlight however was when it came back when she was 17 after radical hysterectomy, and the doctor said, and I quote..

A German American named Weiss or anglicised to White was the first successful powered flyer using an oxy ascetylene powered aircraft. The Wright brothers actually flat out admitted it. He also ran an Aero engines company using OA engines up to V8 size that powered many other companies offerings. So far as I know no

You mean a 2 tonne sports car that has all the handling panache of a Rover 6 with worn kingpins and crossplys. What could possibly go wrong... Not to mention the eco-boom option. I think I’ll pass.

The demise of Apple, we can but hope. I am reminded of a Mel Brooks quote after reading this... “With the birth of the artist comes the inevitable afterbirth; the critic”.

Interesting article but nothing really new, and that artist needs to do his research better. Colubrids don’t have teeth like that, the nearest with teeth like that I had was an ATB, they use them to catch bats! The Colubrids I have are corns and a bite from one of them is like being attacked by angry sandpaper,

I want one, or two; such a cute animal and probably fairly amenable to captivity since most Varanids are. I would advise against picking one up since they’re the size of my pet Tegu and that can be damaging to human health, especially if he mistakes fingers for dinner, added to that most Varanids are venomous and a

Not really. We don’t know what effect that would have on the environment and usually the nasty effects, like cane toads vs perentie (and I would love one of those) are unknowable until they happen, usually catastrophically. Humancentric ideas like that tend to backfire spectacularly.

I wouldn’t be too sure about that, if there’s a link to Guillain - Barre then anyone sane would want to stay as far away as possible. GB is very nasty, kind of what you’d get if CFS & MS had a lovechild and having had a partner with bad CFS (I had never seen a person before whose skin turned all over grey at 18 like

Tell that to Renault Safrane cruise control, within 20mph of your cruise speed it would rocket off like a tomahawk missile with a butt full of ginger. It was basically a matter of hold on for dear life. I’ve driven these cars for years and more than once I almost ended up in a ditch, and I was expecting it - someone

The problem with this guy being in the position you so eloquently state is, as I understand it, that it puts the boot well and truly into the people who have a fair claim for GM massacring family members. If this test case fails where does it leave them?

Oh look, its a Tegu...

Hmm. I suggest you need to test your eyesight asap. That is either a Salvator Merinae or a Tupinambis Merinae (since I cant see its eyes I can’t be sure). Namely an Argentine black and white Tegu. By the look of it either a sub adult or a female. How do I know this, because my pet one Priscus is curled up asleep under