
I didn’t know I needed to be worried about vagina hairball.

Now that I’m older and more easily annoyed, the thought of cleaning grey dust out of my butthole for weeks sounds like hell.

In my experience? Yes, often vastly more difficult. It is incredibly difficult to adopt a child for different people for different reasons. It’s hard to go through agency systems because those waiting lists are years long, they’re very expensive, and it’s hard to know if they’re legitimate. It’s hard to go through the

So what makes you think they didn't err and give her sperm form a more intelligent or more attractive Black man?

I can’t argue with you on the point of negligence, but as far as getting dinged for it, their negligence is a matter of public record with the confession of their error. Beyond that, the mother’s case is just a money grab.

Yeah, I definitely do not want someone to profit off of the idea that the child is “wrong” in any way, shape or form. It just also galls me that the clinic effed up so egregiously and I hate that this little girl got stuck in the middle of that fuckup. Maybe eventually she can sue them for their part in sticking her

See I have an issue with that. I feel like her parents may not have been prepared to raise a gay daughter. But people adapt. Your kid may not be all the things that you want them to be but they ARE your kid and if you are a good parent you will adapt to the person that they are or they will become. That’s part of

But, for a case to be considered medical malpractice, the plaintiff must demonstrate that significant harm occurred as a result of failure to provide standard care. I’m offended by this lady, not because the clinic didn’t fuck up, but because she thinks having a brown baby is a tragedy worthy of compensation.

People are saying she’s racist because part of the suit is that she’s suing for the difficulty of raising a biracial child. If the suit was just, “the shock, the future implications of giving out the wrong sperm, and the disappointment that our kids aren’t biologically related,” then I think there’d be less outrage.

She can refile a negligence claim. The court didn’t preclude an inquiry into the operations. The court merely held that the birth of a healthy child does not fit the precedent that has found a claim for wrongful birth.

They didn’t just pull random sperm. They made a mistake reading the handwritten number on the sheet so they gave her donor no. 330 instead of donor no. 380.

Where’s your come at me bro?

The sum is so modest that I am inclined to believe a bit of the hogwash and I feel distracted from the glaring racism. That being said that sperm bank is so fucking faulty for this shit. I still cannot believe the overwhelming negligence.

I wish her child didn’t have to live with that racist bullshit BUT I also feel that a refund doesn’t cut it when you’re given the wrong goddamn sperm for the express purpose of creating a new human being. I mean, what the actual fuck? How big a scam could these people run when you think of it?

I agree totally.

Seeing a lot of people calling her racist but she has been open about how much she loves her daughter. She has also been open about the fact she felt unprepared to raise a child with different cultural needs to her.

Ah yes, I remember how readers of this particular site showed their true colors the first time Jezebel reported on this.

I’m going with 100% real. Nikki looked pissed.

I have 2 sons, at 2 different high schools. Last night I got into a hella fight with dadthecoach. Boychild#1, in passing, showed me a picture that a friend texted him, that HE got from another friend, that had seen it on instagram. This picture was taken on the first day of school at the HS Boychild#2 attends. In

Honestly, THIS. Can you imagine the response from parents? I don't understand why parents don't complain abt the signs now.