Do it!
Do it!
Harry Potter book release party! Representing with my Hufflepuff pin.
Hm, I don’t know what prevailing opinion is, but I’m getting married in two months so I can speak to my experience. We tried to include plus ones for anyone that had SOs, so if any of our guests have an SO but didn’t get the plus one I would be happy to include them if they asked, especially if they were traveling to…
Fucked up story aside, you know you have baby fever when a picture of a crying newborn elicits a physical need to grab that baby and run.
OMG. So much of that story is sad. It’s easy to laugh about a silly science class that didn’t do me much harm, but the real life consequences of the shit they brainwash kids with is heartbreaking sometimes. His poor sister, their kid, and that he was so afraid of not-even-sex for so long. It makes me SO ANGRY.
Haha there’s a lot more where that came from, if she has other questions.
I attended a fundamental baptist middle school (ankle length jean skirts, chapel, no pop music, etc) and I distinctly remember a “science” class where they had to do some major mental gymnastics to support a literal biblical interpretation of science. Fossils are a lie from Satan, carbon dating is a trick by…
This story was posted to Facebook by the New Yorker this morning. Neocons losing their damn minds in the comments with indignance that they cover “heroes!” And not “traiters!” (Saw that spelling a few times...) There was a stark difference between the intend demographic of readers and mouth breathers who thought we…
I swear to god I’ve had like ten things I wanted to post over the last few weeks when there wasn’t an open thread. And now, nothin...
I’ve been layering a lot of my summer dresses. If they’re sleeveless it’s really easy to put a button up shirt or turtle neck underneath and with tights it’s pretty warm! Pinterest had some good examples of how to pull it off. I’ll also say, in spite of it being a fairly controversial thing to do, a pair of nice…
Eh, I’m already sick to death of hearing, “Hello” on the radio. I think I'll live without it on Spotify.
That’s a good way to look at it, it is sort of an oddly appropriate topic tonight. Im following your lead from now on-it's just not too much to absorb.
Oh god, I can’t imagine how much harder that experience must make nights like this. I hope you find something to make you feel a bit better tonight. It’s at least comforting to know others feel the same.
Gonna go totally off topic, but I’ve noticed a few other posts in response tonight have too so perhaps they’ll answer in solidarity.
I’m curious, do you ever respond to people making the “obsessive about DVDs and cleaning” comments by telling them what it’s really like for you? I say this as someone who used to make those same comments, honestly not knowing it was so terrible for some people, and once I knew was horrified to have ever made light of…
This one made me queasy to read, it’s so scary. It sounds like a movie. I will never open YouTube again now.
Yes! I’ll let the photo do most of the talking here. This was randomly taken by my aunt while she was visiting New Orleans and on a ghost tour. She said that after the tour of an old brothel, she felt cold and later woke up in the middle of the night at her hotel room certain someone was in the room with her. When she…