Rosie Posey

How would one try to translate his speeches to ASL? I can’t even understand them when they’re transcribed!

Maybe they found his testicles during his operation?

We are English only, however we do support UK English. We aren’t grammar/spelling at all, but we get lumped into that bucket because we are editing software.

And is also an add-in to Word and Outlook.

However, it doesn’t ignore material in quotes in the plagarism detector, which seems kind of obvious.

I work for a competitor of Grammarly. I’ve had the paid version for awhile as research. Not only are they data mining, they DO have it as personally-identifying because I get a weekly “Progress Report” that shows me how many edits I generated and accepted/rejected and what kinds of edits. The paid version is helpful

I had a bag in which I’d spilled nail polish AND my dog chewed it - it was a bucket bag and the dog ate the drawstring closure. I called them and asked if they could repair it and I’d pay for the repairs and they did it all for free, including shipping both ways, even though it was 100% my fault. (I got most of the

But at least the whole line isn’t “Cutesy” stuff, which Coach does all the time. I actually switch my loyalty from Coach to Kate Spade because they were doing the classic, timeless, neutral bags I wanted and Coach was just logo crap.

Honest to God, I think Coach should drop this crappy logo-y shit and go back to what they did well. Excellently crafted leather handbags in neutral colors. I have a Coach bag from 1983 still rattling around in my collection and it looks almost as good today as when I bought it. (Also, they should go back to their

Wouldn’t it be medically rare for the IUD to be where a baby could grab it? Think about it - the embryo implants in the uterine wall and grows to include the amniotic sac and placenta. So it seems that in most cases, the IUD would be outside the amniotic sac, which was exactly the case for this woman, where it was

Why don’t they just change that to “Being a Woman” is the preexisting condition, for fuck’s sake

I didn’t realize I was doing that to feel close to my dad, but I totally am. Saturday NPR was his thing. He would tape* his favorite shows, like Click and Clack and Prairie Home Companion and listen to them on his long commute. I listen to them now while doing errands or housework or whatever.

A stopped watch is correct twice a day, so anything good that comes out of this administration falls into the stopped watch category and is usually made by mistake or accident on their part.

None of the adminstration attended.

Oops looks like the article I read was satire. My bad.

I’d skip it. The materials are porous which would harbor bacteria and definitely don’t share it - cases of herpes have been reported between users who shared them.

I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my dog and my dad in the same year and it SUUUUUCKED. (eventually, it gets less sucky, but that just requires time).


Or by making it both, the parents actually get a total of 12 weeks because mom works for a company that gives six weeks and dad also gets six weeks from his employer. Then, it’s fair and a smidge better. And it can be consecutive or concurrent.