
Jesus. I can’t believe people listen to hours a day of this right wing stuff. Can someone be scared all the time or do they get inured to the excessive rhetoric? Also, Obama has had 7 years to bring out the black helicopters and take away the guns. I think everyone can stand down for a bit here.

Not that I’ve noticed. Though, now you've mentioned it, I did have one dream about making out with my least attractive, least favorite coworker, so maybe yes?!

Thanks! I’m only on it short term too, just a few weeks, hopefully. It is rotten, and I really feel for people who are on it for a long time or have to do multiple cycles. The worst feeling for me is being exhausted and completely unable to sit still for more than a minute.

That was my immediate thought too, as it is an appearance that grets me in the mirror every day at the moment :(

Fair enough, it is def. possibly that she is a savvy operator without political convictions that capitalizes on the cultural zeitgeist. This sounds pretty reasonable to me. I think her effect can still be positive, even if her motives are craven (which I am not convinced they are). Discussing on the national stage

That's wha they want us to think...

Love the ocean for keeping it real. And love octopi for being smart motherfuckers who show zoologist that THEY ARE NOT HERE TO ENTErTAIn HUMANS!

Ha! I’m not a sports fan (3 football games in 38 years, 1 basketball game, though many more hockey games, mostly before grade 6 with my dad). My bro and I are unlikely to be caught in the kiss cam, but it would be, I believe, the very first time we kiss, if ever we were.

I dislike the notion that Beyoncé is a corporate creation who has no personal say in her creations. Corporate guided groups exists, but they rarely persist of many albums, over many years, and many stylistic changes. She has a god damned point of view. It is feminine, and African Americans, and she comes up with or

Coldplay must be so bummed! They shouldn’t be surprised, but damn. Who would think the special guest star would show up their totally inoffensive, rote by the numbers pop anthems!?

I dunno, I’m in Houston, which is quite proud of Beyoncé (despite her skedaddling at first opportunity). I thought it was an overt celebration of her heritage, and pointed out the change in black women’s agency since antebellum times. I think it also acknowledged the gulf coast has a long history of a rich, uniquely

Yup, I am not a fan of publically demanded physical affection. My cousin had a wedding of 25 people, in part because she is super cheap, but mostly because she is quite introverted, and still people did the stupid kiss on clinking glass demand. It's not her deal! Just let them celebrate how they want too!

It's not so much widespread as extraordinarily vocal. Bush had lower approval ratings throughout his last two years, rarely rising above 35%. Obama has held pretty steady at 44% foe most of the last year. I think if you walked up to people on the street you would get a range of answers, some positive and some not. If

Can you imagine having the President say such a wonderful thing to you? And not just any president, but like the best one in about 75 years?!

I'm excited to see what he decides to do.

In retrospect, DOMA was the beginning of the end for those who opposed gay marriage. There wasn’t a reason for DOMA until gay and lesbian couples started being audacious enough to expect they should be able to marry. Twenty years is a long time and I can’t believe the strength and restraint of the marriage equality

Ingrid Nielson, the woman who ask president Obama about tampon taxes, has done some fundraising and advocacy for access to feminine hygiene products around the world. She has an upbeat and reasonable way fo talking about menstruation that makes it seem silly for people to be uncomfortable.

Looking through friend’s collection of books and music is something I really miss since since the rise of ebooks and streaming. Books are such a pleasure to look at and touch.

Yes. That is why I said “not practical”.