
I don’t blame anything on early being a dem or rep, he had a duty as city manager to complete due diligence on major public works changes. I did jump to a conclusion though, there are really three possibilities: he (1) asked and got bad advice, (2) asked, got good advice, and ignored it, (3) never bothered to ask at

Though it sounds completely stupid (and did when a DC water inspector told me to do so with a straight face), since the lead is coming from the pipes that are connecting homes to water mains and the mains themselves, you are better off letting the water run to flush out standing water in the pipe, it has the highest


That’s the thing though, it wasn’t unforeseen. It was lack of investigation. Checking compatibility between fluids and pipes is a standard practice and corrosion is a constant process that should be monitored in any pipeline system. Republican lawmakers talk about how big government fails us, but in this case, what

The flint disaster makes me crazy angry. Literally everything about it it, including this response plan. $55 million is nowhere near the amount of money required to replace all pipes that are either lead or have lead solder, is this really the best way to improve water quality as fast as possible for Flint citizens?

Oh grow up. Another description for hypocrisy are people who change their minds. I can’t make my lunatic governor Abbott change his policies about abortion clinics, but I might be able to influence my home state’s legislature to embrace a reasonable policy. I'll put my efforts towards policies I have a chance in hell

That’s just nonsense. Hypocrisy is a fun accusation to make, but if we waited until the U.S. is perfect before working on any issue we would never do anything. The effort to help people in other countries can also motivate change at home. The Constitution only claims we seek a more perfect union, not that we have an

I think it does. I don’t believe in circumcisions for babies unless medically necessary. But equating female genital mutilation to circumcision makes it sound relatively benign when >75% of American men are circumcised and the vast majority are able to function sexually and live without pain. Women who suffered gender

I think it was meant for another thread where that letter was being discussed.

Yup. To get skinny jeans wide enough to fit my calves the top half sinks down, like jodhpurs. It def looks great.

Ha! I should qualify, I don’t think Sanders would be a good president relative to Clinton, I think Clinton is deeply qualified on all domestic and international issues, and she is pragmatic about change. I think Sanders is talking about issues that would never have come up without him with the race and I think that is

I’m so happy equality for ladies has progressed so far we have no need of a token like a president who is a woman. Why would we? There are 6 governors, 20 senators, 84 representatives, and 3 Supreme Court justices. We should be all set! 30% representation is really the max we should expect.

I think Sanders is a feminist on most issues. Economic inequality is a major problem for women. Sanders views on health care, education, and a social safety net are all policies that create the environment for women to succeed. Don't get me wrong, I'm with Clinton all the way, but Sanders is a good choice for women as

I think she was in her personal and professional life but hadnmade an announcement. I heard her interviewed by Terry Gross. I think she said she talked about her then partner, now wife, Jane, in interviews and she would be called Tomlin’s writing partner or not mentioned at all.

I’m in a Facebook group for the whole 30, (it’s a diet that has really worked for me and I feel awesome when I’m on it, so I try to stick with it). People on the group are always raving about how great bone broth is for you, which I think is just chicken stock, right? I don’t know why calling it bone broth makes it

It’s the difference between broke and poor. In grad school I was broke, but if shit went really wrong I had parents to bail me out. I never had to deal with the stress of no financial backup and I doubt Paltrow has either. Steven Spielberg isn’t my Godfather, but family connections have helped a ton. I think three

Yep, seems fair to me! Especially since there are tons of military posts that are not specifically combat. We should have always been in the draft, not just now that combat roles are open to women. I think the draft is a good idea in the sense of shared sacrifice. A professional, all volunteer force is a much better

I have an older set of Bose over the ear style ones. They’re really good at canceling out machine noises, so good that I can hear conversations on planes one or two rows away, this can be annoying. Also, the way mine worked (they may have improved) the cancellation noice never really adjusts, so if high pitched modes

I think it is still worth pointing out, even if this is just a depressingly typical for Texas crime: a small dispute escalated to murder by an awful person with easy access to firearms. Seriously, I can think of three in January alone, all women shot by men.

I have a friend who is old money, enough so that there is a family trust. She doesn't really ever get all the money, and there is some sort of voting procedure for how money is invested/spent/saved. It seems to work, she and her siblings and cousins all seem gainfully employed and finished at least college.