
So I have a checkered past of doing chemical experiments with frighteningly lax safety standards (fyi college and grad students, just because your prof says it is safe it Does not mean it is safe). I’m also a bit of a hypochondriac, so at one time after quite a bit of exposture to lead, mercury, and uranium I found

Yes. Every school I went to (in WI) had a nurse or nursing aide there all the time. What did kids do when they got sick in your school?

I read a bird on once, I remember thinking that birds are just not sexy. Feathers? Itchy, scratchy, and would get everywhere. Beak? Not many erotic possibilities there.

My field has words like that too, the one that comes to mind is Himalaya mountain chain. The average person will say Him a lay a, whereas the in the know types will say him ah li yah. I think the second is technically right, and closer to the name used by Sherpas, but it just makes me feel like as ass when I say it.

I’m a well educated, 38 year old woman who I thought was proactive about sexual health. How the fuck did I not know that the opening into my womb is called an os? Is it because I don’t have kids?

There are some funny bumper stickers in the “reunite Gondwanaland” that embrace Pangea could sell too.

Well said. Also, our mental pictures of what the fifties and sixties are shaped by the racism of that era, with very few people of color shown in ordinary scenes in mainstream TV and movieS unless the were huge stars. Seeing on TV that only a bunch of white guys run the banks helps reinforce that only white guys

I’d watch a 20's gangsters of Harlem show!

I got bored with Mad Men and needed to cut off all the scotch I consumed watching it so I quit around season 3. That said, Mar Men had fantastic women characters. You saw the regulars grow and change. The show is so good that some of Don’s one episode flings were more richly conceived that series regulars on other

It will be interesting to see what happens. It was the Harris county DA who announced these indictments, I think Abbot and why-is-he-not-in-federal-prison Paxton will keep the state investigations going, even though GCPP was the only group in the state that did any fetal tissue donation. I think it is good The Harris

This is a really common attitude from the young and successful. I felt that way at one time. My view of gender inequality has changed over time. It changed watching the divergence of my male and female classmates levels of success, seeing my egalitarian married couple friends fall into very traditional parenting roles

I love her dress. So pretty and shiny!

The worst part is it wasn’t even the doctor’s morals, it was the hospital caving to political pressure.

The only time I really talked about abortion with my mom it was a discussion along those lines. I don't know how we got on the topic, but she said she would absolutely have an abortion if she had a pregnancy that endangered her health, especially after she had kids. I think we rarely acknowledge that Majority of women

Totally agree. You have public comment periods and debate before making major decisions because. Miss stuff all the time when managing complex systems. To me, an important question is if the department of natural resources was (a) supportive of switching to untreated flint river water, (b) opposed it and were ignored,

I think this about friends too, the way the deal with sexuality if offensive and the friends lived in a New York even whiter than SATC. Both were progressive for their era, but those days are long gone.

Hopefully she’ll fully heal, I think it is good she is taking the semester off. Soft tissue injuries heal so slowly, people always rush them because you just get so bored and feel rotten when not doing much.

I got so mad writing and thinks about today, I forgot my point: all those things I was doing, taking initiative, making sure people paid attention to me, speaking up, are all the things I’ve been coached to do and it doesn’t make a difference. It just gives my coworkers more of my efforts to take credit for at

Yep, I had a meeting today that I scheduled, wrote the agenda, directed the discussion, defined follow up tasks and assigned them to coworkers, summarized the results and the end, and as we were walking out was thanked for ‘taking notes’. So frustrating to be doing your God damned job and having it reduced to the

Wow, I don’t watch as much TV as I think, Mozart in the Jungle? I should be watching this?