
Clean, safe tap water is one of the greatest achievements of our society. We take it for granted and think water is water, and neglect what we need to do to protect our water sources. The damage in flint is to the pipes, the river water has corroded the pipes, and the pipes will continue to leach lead (and other

Jesus. Nothing goes together better than booze, driving around, and handguns. Fuck whoever fired that gun, and his 4-5 friends who apparently fled with him and are keeping quiet.

I agree. The rule that none of us will discuss how much we make seems like it must have been invented by senior management back in the old days to keep the poors as cheap as possible. Executive compensation of publicly traded companies at the highest level are all disclosed in the annual report, I bet those guys use

I like thinking of the shirt as the kid taking a marker, striking out the profession preferred by his/her controlling parents and coming up with their own ideas.

I went to a spa in Germany that was mandatory nudity. It kind of worked, I would not have gone in naked otherwise and they had great pools. It is easier when everyone is rather than just the truly fabulous to look at. The high proportion of 60+ year olds also did wonders for my body confidence.

I spent a couple months in Japan too, for me it was tomatoes. They use tomatoes, but with nowhere near the frequency that I usually eat them and the preparation is just different. We ended up finding an American style Italian restaurant in a mall and went to town on the marinara.

I haven’t had Domino’s enough to have a strong opinion (I’ve def. never ordered it because I grew up with stories about the former owner’s very conservative political activity), but I know I crave really terrible junk food when I am outside of the U.S. It doesn’t matter how awesome the food is, after two-three weeks,

It worries me that my first thought was: don’t use your actual Twitter to follow your ex’s new girlfriend, that’s what your secret Twitter account is for!

It depends on how you decide to define “diversity”. By percentage o’ white people, yes, Houston was about 40% non-Hispanic Caucasian in 2010, LA and Miami are both less white, and New York more. The study that called Houston most diverse (from Rice), did so because we have closer proportions than other cities and a

This is a terribly hard question and one that is always a complicated one for both parents and doctors. There are oceans of difference between the care needed by a very premature baby with injuries and a full term baby, including ones with significant health problems. The care is often painful, violent, and has a low

This is a shock to me. Houston has its share of jackasses, but we are the most diverse large city in the country. We have large, thriving, and long established Muslim communities. And now we have people protesting at a kindergarten and possibly arson? Seriously, who are these people? And selfishly, as a white

Looking at the list remind me that three of them are under investigation (Perry, Patrick, and Paxton). Of the three, Paxton seems most likely to actually do some jail time and his felony charges are securities fraud, they can carry long sentences.

The constant appeals makes me feel bad too. I’ve found it helpful to decide for the year what I plan to give. I usually do it at tax time and either do all the donations then, or lay out a schedule. I like tax time because that is the only time of the year I think of my finances as a whole so I have a really good idea

There will come a point when my wacko state’s legislature will run out of crazy shit to do, right?

It seems they rely on sales + coupons, and some groceries do double or triple coupn days as promotions. I don't get it either, though. I've tried using coupons in a very non extreme way, and it's rare that I find one for a product I consistently use that saves me more that .20-.30 cents on a dollar.

It almost looks colored in with an eyebrow pencil. MYbe the combination of coloring her hair and a naturally low hairline?

Water intrusion is no joke, and when the reno sounds like it went into a significant portion of the house she will always worry that there is another leak about to pop up. I’d sue too.

I am encouraged that the firm disbanded-it does send a very strong signal that this guy is out of community. My assumption is some portion of the staff will regroup in a new firm. This public renunciation will be great pr for them (this last sentence is probably too cynical, but I can't help it).

Proof, unfortunately again, that great politics does not result in great behavior. It is important for all communities to maintain an awareness of those who have power and believe and support those who do not.

I live in Houston and drive on the 45 every day. It is no one’s favorite spot. A good place to get hit by flying debris, yes. A good place to sideswipe a BMW, yes. A good place to witness a multi-car pileup, unfortunately yes. Not a good place for romance.