I just know for sure Iman was not at mine.
I just know for sure Iman was not at mine.
Today my co-worker was asked by her former (and female) professor about her daughter during a visit to our company. Total.y normal small talk, though a little odd when in a group other scientists who mostly don't hang out socially. Then she asked who was watching co-worker’s daughter. Then, learning the daughter is in…
The parallel events with girls dancing and boys doing fun experiments is bad, but I like the thought of encouraging boys to explore stem topics with women. I lead these kind of shows at times (freezing and smashing roses never gets old for me!) and I like to think I am helping change the view of who is a scientist.
She has a distinctive style that has some obvious characteristics that area easy to parrot, like Elvis or Sinatra. I think it tempts people to imitate her markers (I don’t know the words, but the roundness of her sound, and the volume changes she used) rather than just singing the song for themselves. It is why Isreal…
This reminded me a very tiny bit of Bristol Palin on Dancing with the stars (a very tiny bit because this girl is far more talented than Palin). Palin did a tango to the cellblock tango from Chicago. She was way too young and we know far too much about her life to pull it off. All I could think of watching it was how…
I fell down a staircase over twenty years ago and still remember how much that hurt. My ankle is throbbing in sympathy with you right now. Take it easy and I hope you recover swiftly. Also, this type of event is always a good time to rewatch firefly.
The Fallon stories have been circulating all week, with various news outlets repeating the coverage by each other with very little new information added. It is like we are watching rumors turn into facts via repetition. I hope Fallon doesn’t have an addiction or is a problem drinker, but if he does, it seems like…
I think three albums about Silurians (lizard people from Doctor Who) would be awesome.
When I read that I did a double take and then checked if it Luke or his attorney—it was his rep. It is such a controlling thing to say. I wonder with this contract, is she being paid, or was she paid up front for a period of exclusivity? Or was it, we will only produce your record if you agree to an exclusive deal.…
I’m a geologist, a profession that involves going into at least a few mines, especially during college. I didn’t know I was really scared of anything until I was in a mine, supposed to climb up two levels, except ‘two levels’ was 150 ft up an oak ladder installed in 1880. The rungs were worn down in the middle from…
I’ve been thinking about this poor woman all night and getting increasingly angry.maybe it is just bullshit local news being lurid, but this was not a freak acc or bizarre accident. This was a poorly design system. They didn’t have appropriate safeguards in place, or appropriate procedures. There really is almost…
I’m almost certain there is, I work in a corporate setting that takes regulation waaaayyyyyy seriously, and there are definitely OSHA standards for working with compressed gases, to the point that on a few occasions our response was, “fuck it, this experiment won’t be that cool anyway, let’s just go home and watch…
What is really terrifying is that this is possible in their chamber design. Labs with large amounts of liquid N2 present are supposed to have doors that open out and hoods to move air out, forcing new air in, because of concern over N2 smothering you if a tank fails (presuming the flying shrapnel hasn’t already done…
Ps that TAL was hilarious, Google ‘Cuervo man’.
There is a episode of the American life from maybe 15 years ago called plan B. It was about how almost no one does exactly what they think they are going to do. I’m on plan c right now, contemplating plan d, and I’m 38. Life happens, things change, and we occasionally have to go through big adjustments. Also, I bet…
I adored the old RKO pirate movies And O’Hara was in my favorites: the Spanish Main and Against All Flags. She played such cool characters. I don’t know what I would think of the movies now, watching with my 38 year old feminist eyes, but at the time I was so impressed at how strong, feisty, and smart her characters…
I’m really happy he is in the race and I think so is Clinton, she is so much better when she has an opponent. All the fake, eating pie at thousands of diners bullshit just is not her strength she needs to be talking about serious stuff like the serious lady she is. Also, the issues Sanders champions are important and…
Yep, that's how we do in Texas, fuck over the poor. Another change the state is currently fighting for in court: cutting reimbursement rates for speech therapy for Holden with developmental disorders, autism, or other conditions. Estimated savings are $100 million. This one is dickish enough that even the Texas…
The notion that the greenhouse effect holds temperature constant is not only untrue and misleading in the modern environment, it is simply factually untrue. The earth’s temperature stays constant relative to planets with no atmosphere that slowly rotate, like mercury (> 500 c difference from day to night), but our…
Off the Google ‘female as fuck!’. I’m sure it will go very well.