
I admit that I should watch the full clip*, but the excerpt here sounded more to me like she was saying even when women of color get opportunities, like Washington on Scandel, they are rarely winning awards. Did she say a lot more about how they get oodles of opportunity? Because it was Whoopi who won the first Oscar

I have a pair and love them. I have high arches, over pronate terribly, and am prone to tendinitis everywhere and these really work for me. I love how connected you are to the ground, it make me so stable and confident. Also, the kind of strangely deep heel makes them really stay on my feet, no slide in the back.

I have a pair and love them. I have high arches, over pronate terribly, and am prone to tendinitis everywhere and

I have insanely high arches and the shoes that have come the closest for me are New Balance Vazee Pace, they are still pretty new but my feet are much happier.

I have insanely high arches and the shoes that have come the closest for me are New Balance Vazee Pace, they are

These are great, I overpronate to the point of regularly falling down, kayanos were the first shoe I tried where I felt stable.

These are great, I overpronate to the point of regularly falling down, kayanos were the first shoe I tried where I

I used to work with someone who is awaiting trial on similar charges. The process of learning about someone’s involvement in this crime is one of endless waves of awfulness. Everything you think of, how she made a big deal about kids, how she was caught, and seeing in the news what she did to children just makes it

This makes me crazy too, I'm plus sized and work. Corporate job in a formal business attire office. Finding clothes is a nightmare. I don't understand why the assumption is that there are no large women with jobs that require nice tailored dresses or suits. Looking around my office, most of the women who hang in there

I heard Dan Savage once talking about advice on this American life. He said that in his advice column the letters come in with people writing out their problem and often the very advice he would give, and he had to cut that par from their letters. We usually know what we should do or care about, actually doing it is

I live in an older house with an unholy combination of pic, per, galvanized, and copper. I’ve used boiling water in my galvanized drain sections in an effort to clean them without inducing (more) holes. Three weeks to all new pipies! Can’t wait!

Check out the Y, in my city (Houston) a small part of their organization is devoted to refugee settlement, helping people get together basic necessities and education on how To live in the U.S.

American nuns have been pretty awesome for years now. So much so that Pope Benedict made a special effort to crush their political activities and moves towards operating independently of priests. I think it is great that Pope Francis is more aligned with American Catholics in general, and with our nuns in particular.

Here is to hoping Koch et al. turn off the money that has been propping Walker up in Wisconsin and my beloved home remembers that civility, fairness, and progressive values are central to our state. That and every thirty years or so we fall in with jackasses like Walker, and Thompson, and Joseph McCarty.

I once was told by a waitress that I look like Jessica Biel (I do not), despite my firm non-Bielesque appearance she got the biggest tip I’ve ever given.

For a long time I thought he was the guy who designed the ugly t-shirts for dude-bros. he is way more delightful than that and Mad Max Fury Road is fantastic!

The island of Saipan, in the Northern Marianas Islands, there are two cliffs, bonsai and suicide cliffs, where hundreds of Japanese people jumped to their deaths when U.S. Forces landed at the end of WWII. There is a peace memorial at Suicide cliffs, it is beautiful and sad and I was very moved. And then two teenage

I think that is what I'd try to do, but I bet this is the 800th time she has been asked something similar. I think I'd lose it at that point. My main response would be to weep rather than to come with an honest and somewhat prickly response.

I’ve been on both sides of the income divide, going from grad student (poor), to post doc (fucking broke), to corporate sellout (mighty comfortable). It always makes things awkward, especially if there is the subtext of only being able to go nice places if the wealthier person pays and always wanting to go to nice

Such as good show, and so tough that it just ended. I think they would have come up with a great ending give. The chance.

I agree as well. Your comment reminded me of a NY times column last week about ending a relationship with narcissists, and how one of their traits is the desire to punish those who have ‘wronged’ them. I imagine therapy would be an excellent venue to dig into a former partner. Hopefully the counsellor could shut it

I quite like the idea of a divorcing set of parents continuing counseling to work out a co-parenting plan. If that is what they are doing, good for them and their children.

Ps this is fantastic news. I was going to go to work tomorrow but now the plan is all kindle, all Shakespeare. The Tempest, here I come!