I wonder if the always sit in the same order? Is it by seniority on the bench? I have a hard time telling the older male justices apart, is that Breyer to her right?
I wonder if the always sit in the same order? Is it by seniority on the bench? I have a hard time telling the older male justices apart, is that Breyer to her right?
I don't think so, HIPAA covers health care workers, insurers, and any clearinghouse that maintains private records. So a spouse or partner who came by info would be free to share it, I think. It is a totally dick move though. I hope it doesn't cause trouble for the women concerned. It makes me want to comment on…
I think he might be a little self conscious kissing onscreen as well. Like, he might show a little more active engagement if he want worried about how, as the post noted, most kissing looks bad onscreen.
I've been to the met for matinees. it's more nice Sunday dinner dress than swanky night out.
wwhat a great thing to think about! I would love to be really athletic. I'm not very coordinated, and would love to run like a leaf on the wind.
wait, when did Michelle Obama get fat shamey? I don't have kids, so I've only seen snippets of the lets move campaign, but it looked pretty positive to me.
So surprisingly, this story is the top trending one on kinja. I wonder why?
I love her impressions. Her Beiber and her Anne Romney just kill me. They have a point of view that is pretty harsh, but she plays it so joyfully that it doesn't seem mean.
one of the criticisms of lean in-type feminism is that it is too focused on elite women. I wonder if this policy applies to everyone who works at YouTube? Including the kitchen staff, maintenance, and gardeners? If so, bravo. Does anyone know if tech companies use contractors for office management jobs? My industry is…
I would agree that it is wrong in all cases. It has nothing to do with a desire to preserve the life of a Timothy Mcveigh or Jeffrey Dahmer like person. I don't want us to be killers. You can argue if we ever really have to go to war (I think we do), but we have no need to kill criminals who are already safely locked…
that column by Emily Yoffe really hit home with me when it was published a while ago. I had a great childhood and my parents are lovely people but I've a number of friends who had really difficult families. I used to be one of those people who would urge people to keep trying with abusive or volatile family members.…
I'm writing a screenplay of my own, it's called '21st century men'. It is about three different men teaching a young girl about what women are, and how to find your own form of survival in 1999 Los Angeles. It will an ode to the men that raised me and the ones in the ska and swing dance scene (don't judge, you loved…
It is going to be a really long two years.
now if they would only ask Brad about his feeling about Justin Theroux? I think if I were 45 year old woman who has tens of millions of dollars, a successful acting career, and is getting married shortly, it would be beyond annoying that your most important relationship is apparently the one between you and you…
"an abundance of caution" and "better safe than sorry" describe the belief that nothing of value is lost when you make things a little more safe. This is simply incorrect. For kids, the loss is the pleasure of exploring their environment. The response is out of proportion to the risk and worse, it misses the point. To…
yep, it is my favorite example of how our society define normal as 'what men need or works best for men'.
I think this is a great idea, especially for women who are in good transitional living program. They often have access to kitchen (at least the ones I've visited) and it is a long term economical solution that spares them the initial cost of the cup or continuing dependence on donations of basic hygiene supplies.
I'm a Houstonian and am very relieved. It was hard for me to fit my LGBTQ friendly neighborhood with that petition bullshit. Much happier that it was some lying weasels who were either too lazy or (my preferred thought) really hardworking assholes who couldn't find anyone to sign there stupid petition.
yep. Where I live (Texas), glass door has an average of $8.25 for hourly work atMcDonald's. For some working full time, that is $1320 a month. For a single person, you qualify for snap who you make less than $1580 per month.
My uncle are dinner every night at a diner near his house out in the country. Nutritionally, I'm sure it would have been better for him to learn how to cook after my aunt died, but dude was 85. Some things you won't change at that age. The diner got him out of the house, gave him a social circle, and the staff looked…