
I think they were all terrified of winding up on the news because they displayed to wrong response to joke. Also, it is depressing, but statistically likely that there are sexual predators in that group. A few people probably have been having chills seeing that even Cosby couldn't get away with it forever.

it was Hannibal Burress. He touched off the furor over Cosby a couple months ago. The only strange thing is that this time it stuck and snowballed with many people coming forward. I've heard Chris rock talk about it in a fresh air inrview and all he really said was that he hopes it is not true.

I love it. It's what Amanda Peet tried to do, but Wigg's got the charm and body to pull it off.

love him so much. It does, unfortunately, look like a giant band aid.

oh god. It was too awkward in the first ten seconds for me. Also, how many shots had she had already?

I love the coat styling, and the color.

I agree. It looks like she is afraid to stand up because the her boobs might pop out of the top of her dress. I think even just moving them in on her shoulders would help a great deal. Right now it looks like fabric tape alone is holding it on her body.

Favorite Patti Smith trivia, she went on Regis philben's show because her Mom was a big fan.

I can't get the box where I want it, but I love the lace cut outs in this dress. So pretty and understated, the create a beautiful line to the gown.

this photo is on a really weird angle with some crazy shadows. I thought she looked much older too so I searched around for pictures. There aren't many, which is nice for a political kid, but the ones there are, she looks more her age. The curse of the red head! We're so easily washed out by flashes!

what does it do in pie crusts? This is something I must try!

how do you use it in pie crusts?

my biggest complaint with yelp is that their model promotes people leaving reviews for businesses they barely patronize. My dog groomers had this problem, a one star review from someone who used them once, and just didn't like the cut fluffy had, no major errors, or mishandling of their pet. It makes so many of the

these guys sound like jerks. I rarely demand people read me specials and I have a former waitress's understanding of how annoying customers can be but their giving out of their way to be nasty. The yelp hatred is justified, but just all out mocking customers in a newsletter? That does not make me want their food. The

Ugh. The approach of the Texas legislature seems to be when they lose on the merits, they just find ways to be dickish. Also, they empower or in this case, coerce, state and city employees to be dicks for them. They're trying really hard to do it for abortions (mostly succeeding) and gay marriage.

I'm a worrier too, and am always on the lookout for cancer symptoms. I've never been quite as wrong as your Mom, but when I go in for my latest, absolutely must be cancer symptoms, the doctor always has a far more mundane diagnosis. Often a diagnosis that has really obvious symptoms I completely missed. You can ignore

I was wondering if I have gotten too old to find 20 year olds attractive. Then your comment reminded me of Nick Jonas.

My brain can't make sense of this pose. Is he lifting her? That would be very impressive. Is he smooshing her against a wall? If so, is it a smooth wall with her all naked? Does he have a stepstool?

I thought she was pretty sexy as Julia Child, but I guess it's not exactly a defining characteristic of the lady. Mostly I wanted to comment to write how much I LOVED her witch in into the woods. I thought no one could compete with Bernadette Peters and she totally didn't, she just did something different. When she

I wrote a reply but it disappeared,sorry if this is a double post. I'm not a lawyer but kind of a Supreme Court fan. They heard oral arguments last month. The government argued that to meet the standard of a threat the speech must be interpreted as a threat by reasonable, average people. The defense argued that the