Why worry about which looks better when you can just appreciate that we’re getting two Pokemon films this year
Why worry about which looks better when you can just appreciate that we’re getting two Pokemon films this year
I swear to god these two can pry maine cabin masters out of my cold, dead hands
Oh I hate this the absolute most. I am so sick of these two and I wish they would take their country shabby chic vibe and shove it up their homophobic asses.
I saw that latter episode recently. Not one I had been super familiar with but it really holds up.
The last time I parked my car in a megabus lot someone stole the catalytic converter out of my car. So no, I won’t be taking megabus again. Plenty of cheap rail fare out of baltimore/DC to NYC... would rather spend $100 round-trip to take the train than $65 to be crammed into a shit bus
I’m not upset about it, I think people should absolutely cosplay whatever they want. I’m not saying AT ALL that people should have to cosplay outside of their race or body type and I’m not sure where you got that from. Folks should cosplay what they want and what they’re comfortable with.
What I take issue with is…
Yeah the whole thing seemed to me that they had wanted to do sauce stuff but just lacked the time/kn0whow to do so. So for the fab 5 to show up and be like, okay, we’re going to set you up with the bottling place and they’re going to handle the bulk of the work for you... really all the sisters have to do is make sure…
Even if it’s not technically elitist by fact of being free and open to the public, I was at Katsucon and I didn’t hear a peep about this. You look at the group shot and I can’t find a dark-skinned person there. It’s indicative of how shitty the cosplay scene and cosplay photography scene are in general when so many…
It’s just this event and this blog (which only seems to want to highlight thin, light-skinned women most of the time).
Please tell me this book has details about his time as James in the Pokemon musical
They were using standard SD cards for memory by the time they were in the DS era...
Basically this.
I feel like the whole Kree blood transfusion and the implant both happened as part of the brainwashing process. They needed to give her blue blood in order to make her believe she had always been Kree. The implant was in reality a dampener on her abilities, but she was led to believe that it had been given to her so…
Dave Arneson absolutely deserved better and there are too goddamn many tabletop players who are so blinded by their love of Gygax to understand that what happened in that situation is wildly fucked up
Pokemon Red was the first game I ever bought. I still have it and the GBC bought with it - both still function. Today, I have two Pokemon tattoos on my back with more planned for this summer! I just haven’t stopped loving Pokemon and it’s great! I hope in 23 more years we still have more games coming out!
Oof, that banner at the top does not inspire confidence.
So is this photographer allergic to black people and plus-sized people? Because I sure don’t see any photos of black women (and the only black folks I see here are dudes cosplaying “within their race” which is a whole other can of worms) and I sure as shit don’t see any plus-sized cosplayers at all. I was there the…
someone please give me a new golden sun i’m dying out here
Good. Go to jail and rot.
Yeah, after they’re born, sure. No one is aborting babies. People are aborting zygotes and fetuses. Those aren’t babies.