
It generally stays with Roach in one of his packs, yes. As many others have said elsewhere by now, the “Geralt always has both swords” thing was something invented for the video games.

Yeah, he generally only carries the sword on him that he thinks he’s going to need at that time, while the other one stays with Roach. 

He carries two swords with him, so I’m not sure where you missed that. 

It definitely wasn’t horny enough and as a big fan of the musical I was super disappointed about that.

I had a Samantha doll as a child, and I still have it today. I didn’t play with mine as much as my sister did with hers (she really roughhoused with hers), but I enjoyed her more as a reading companion. I was very into the AG books as a kid on a scale way bigger than the doll itself. I liked dressing the doll in

Exactly this.

Suzuki’s on with the Nats for another year. he’ll make $6 million in 2020.

I’ve never met someone from dundalk who didn’t act like the world owed them something, so this checks out

I’ve lived in Baltimore my entire life and it is inferior to DC in almost every conceivable way

Yep! Anyone in Baltimore trying to pin any part of the MASN dispute on the actions of the Nationals or on some grand conspiracy against the Orioles is, simply put, an absolute dipshit

No one in DC has any attachment to any of that. That would be like bringing a bunch of old KC Athletics out to Oakland. It makes no sense.

also huge LOL at “Angelos struck a deal”

Your trademark Baltimore Inferiority Complex is showing

Fucking yikes, dude

He didn’t take a pass on throwing the first pitch. He wasn’t even invited to throw it. 

Please stop putting an extra U in Strasburg’s name.

Oh, if you’re willing to look past the surface, Pokemon definitely has some crazy shit going on for sure.

Yep!! But “DiGiMoN iS jUsT a PoKeMoN rIpOfF” or some shit. The shows are EXTREMELY different and both good in their own right

Digimon’s entire third anime season deals with coping with death, grief, and pulling yourself out of self-blame and depression. It’s far, far different as a franchise than Pokemon. And that’s not to say one franchise is inherently better or worse than the other - but Digimon has historically gone out of its way to

I’ve been saying this about Cyber Sleuth since the game first released on PS4 a few years ago, and I’m glad it’s been ported to PC and Switch so hopefully more folks will get on board.