
For me, as a hardcore fan of Golden Sun, I’ve always pointed to things like... Ice Climbers, Duck Hunt, ROB, Marth/Roy (on their Melee inclusion)... hell, even Ness. Did anyone know who Ness was when the original Smash came out? Did anyone know who Lucas was beyond “ness but yellow” when he was first introduced? Not

Oh, I don’t disagree with any of that. I definitely consider Golden Sun to be a ‘cult’ series, and I’ve got a half-sleeve tattoo from the games, lmao. Just wanted to address the actual number of units sold - I think across the series, it’s about 2 million-ish, which (especially given the amount of people who actually

That’s really all I want as a fan. I’ve been streaming the first two games on my Twitch and it’s been fun to chat with folks about the game and whatnot. I genuinely really enjoyed Dark Dawn too, for all its issues. What I’d love is a Golden Sun Trilogy port that includes some sort of playable epilogue that resolves

The first game sold a little more than a million worldwide. The second I think hit about 750,000 iirc, and the third really underperformed. But in terms of the first two titles (AKA, the GBA games that people have at least heard of) they sold pretty solidly for GBA JRPGs.

Golden Sun is my favorite game. I’m pretty sad that Isaac isn’t playable. But I’m glad he made it in, in some capacity, even if it’s a much smaller role than I would’ve wanted. My hope is that people will see him in action as an AT, wonder what his deal is, and then play the Golden Sun games. And maybe someday I’ll

It’s also an anagram for “unrelated”

That’s fair. I saw the movie Bats when I was a kid and I’ve had a bat phobia ever since. 

God, the Tingler. My dad told me about that film... never seen it myself. What a weird premise, though

Be sure that you’re checking online auction sites. I’ve been lucky on some cheap, good-condition box-only lots to replace some old GBC/GBA game boxes that my youthful indiscretion sullied 20 years ago. 

Oooh, Terranigma.

Do you plan on discussing the rise of video game grading companies and the potential impact that they’ll have on the collectors market? (because you should)

I’m still so mad that they’ve never done a true HD remaster of Skies. It’s so good and so deserving.

This is everything. Thank you for all of it.

Yeah, I think that’s the bigger issue. The games may have sold okay enough, but they weren’t making a profit because they were spending so much money on licensing rights.

They didn’t sell like hotcakes. That’s kind of the problem.

that’s not golden sun 4

It’s not as though it’d be unprecedented here. Isaac was an assist in Brawl and they didn’t bring him back for 3DS/WiiU which was SO frustrating.

I just want Isaac from Golden Sun back in this game. Even as an assist trophy again. Please let me know that you remember Golden Sun exists, Nintendo, ffs

I want to say this is true, but not all the time. Maybe it’s just another one of the many glitchy things that happen in this game. I want to say that like, 50% of the time, scanning will at least bring the green blips up on the HUD. But sometimes nothing happens until I’m right on top of them.

Sometimes when you fly into a system there’s a freighter chillin nearby that has frigates near it. If you fly close to them, they’ll get marked green as “recruitable frigates.” and if you fly right up on one, you’ll get an alert to open your comms, and you can talk to the captain of that ship and basically buy them