Points off for not wearing proper boots and scorch-resistant pants.
Points off for not wearing proper boots and scorch-resistant pants.
I know what 3d-graders are like and I’d take any account of theirs with a grain of salt. Probably the teacher said something like “Trump does not believe in racial equality” and they interpreted it as, we are being sent to separate schools. Talking to kids is like a game of Telephone. My own grade-schooler was…
Giuliani is *older* than the Baby Boomers actually (born 1944).
How do you know when you’re done?
the next film in the uber-successful Pixar franchise
That hallway might actually look really pretty in person. Perhaps the photos don’t do it justice.
How did this fact come up in conversation? Does Elwood say “WELCOME” repeatedly until a customer gets it?
Dig how you explained what Big Mouth Billy Bass is, but I had to Google “Alexa.”
My mobile OK Google responds, “Make it yourself!”
If, as I too believe, all we humans have to rely on is each other and the natural world, then that’s even *more* reason to be compassionate and respectful toward others. Or to paraphrase the wonderful Julia Sweeney: “I could call myself an atheist, but I don’t want to sound like a jerk.”
#1 and #2. If you don’t want to be bothered with incoming emails all day, just CLOSE THE GMAIL TAB and reopen it when you are ready to read some more emails, preferably at set times in your schedule. This notion that you have to constantly read and respond to messages as soon as they arrive is horribly disruptive.…
So what I’m hearing is...you’d like to buy a mattress?
Tell us more.
And she’s even wearing a superhero headband!
Rubber chickens, or the souls of the damned crying out from the flaming pits of hell?
When someone dives in for a hug, quickly offer an extended hand and a smile. Make it a two-handed shake for added “warmth.” Say “let’s shake hands instead” if asked for an explanation (which you shouldn’t have to but neither should you be offered a hug by a stranger). Don’t go into why you think it’s inappropriate.…
I am 100% sure that the daughters of “Jennifer Mayer” are pregnant RIGHT NOW. Including the 12-year-old!
I agree. The constant potty talk is tiresome. It’s as if the Gawker Media stylebook required that every paragraph include at least one word that mommy-wouldn’t-let-me-use-but-now-I’m-a-big-boy/girl-and-I-can-write-whatever-I-want-tee-hee. What do Gawker writers say when they’re *really* angry?
I’ll be the one to say it: there is something distasteful about a grown man commenting on the behavior of a teenager. Cruz is more important and powerful than Mazin today - but today’s Cruz is not the person described here. He’s punching down.
If you use an autotimer then yes, it’s a selfie.