
She is struggling…to keep from LOL ing - the plans for Joffrey have been laid already.  She doesnt care about Joffrey;s opinion.

Only in filthy minds.  We know Joffrey tormented Tommen but nothing sexual was even hinted at.

Purple wedding I bet.  Red Wedding is for next season. My prediction

Read it a few more times.  That helped me <g>

Very disappointed the Hound didnt ask Arya "Dont you know you're dead?"

They almost redeemed Catelyn and then threw her back into her depressive drama queen character as it should be. Scared me a minute

Does anyone know why Ser Loras never wears his whites, or even armor? He is in the KG, right?

It was a little disconcerting to see Bran noticeable change in appearance and have a deeper voice. Maybe form the trials of traveling.  He is getting cuter.

Every episode has at least one scene that skeeves me - and i thought I was unskeevable.  I cant believe High Strung's lead singer is a man.  I love this show so much!  I have no idea why. William H Macy and Emmy Rossum are so excellent - the entire cast is so good!

I loved it!  the guy does not live by others' rules

There's a question what happened to Jimmy/Steve?  Come on.  He aint coming back unless it is via found floating in the water.