
I don’t particularly limit these feelings to Walking Dead or that season finale.

It’s not that ar fetched of a charge. Stories live and die on being able to surprise the audience, and bring them into a story where the audience wasn’t expecting to go.

I just don’t feel it’s their job.

Yeah, I feel this is more the internet and sites like this fault than the Walking Dead’s.

I’m shocked that someone would find it surprising that old and dead characters would return on a show that features flashbacks as a main part of the show structure.

I’m pretty sure the women that shoved 16 year-old me up against a wall and groped me don’t remember a thing. They were laughing and playing. They probably never had a second thought about it.

RLM has the ongoing narrative, and other content to tell the viewer that it’s a story. It’s creepier when it’s on an account with no other names, video or connections to it.

Interestingly, Jez used a source that said it was an increase from 20% to 80% women in a year and a half. Which would be super suspicious.

I’m not questioning that is a legit thing, but I shall add ‘business shorts’ to my lingo along with ‘formal hoodie’.

I didn’t mind Ollie struggling with it again, but Thea shouldn’t be the one to tell him it’s wrong.

We focused on that way too long, wondering why she forgot pants. We realize it’s a really short skirt, but it just looks like she forgot pants.

Pretty much my feelings. I’m not into a story about an intellectual who simply kills his opponent when he feels out matched. That’s not a hero I want to follow.

Actually, that’s worse. Working in TV is more of an exercise where you have to turn in a finished product that is timed exactly down to the second. Lots of weekly practice of turning in a script and final product that tells a complete story and is on time.

I get what you are saying, but these are experienced film makers. I’m an ametur and I know these things. I constantly see directors who have been working for decades make this mistake and go too long. It just seems like a lazy incompetent mistake.

I feel this is a director and script issue. People like Joss, Paul Peig, Quentin, Snyder are experienced filmmakers at this point. They shouldn’t be surprised when a edited film ends up 3 hours. They should know how long the movie is at the script process and cut things then.

Which oddly seems to be a lot of the criticism. Some people are mad that you had a large event and that no one died. You can have stakes without killing someone. It doesn’t make it less.

I’m a little disappointed that these movies seem to have a pretty limited release (with a couple notable exceptions). Here are the cool original movies that people claim to be clamoring for.

I feel if this is a story they want to tell. I want there to be better writers. And women’s names in the credits.

I’d be more ok with this if the body he is forced into wasn’t a skilled white guy. It would be more of a challenge trying to get anyone to listen to you and get your body back if he woke up as an unskilled young black woman.

Yellowjacket doesn’t seem to be on board with Vision’s plan.