Why did you blur out “Michael Jackson’s daughter on family secrets and her father’s pain”?
Why did you blur out “Michael Jackson’s daughter on family secrets and her father’s pain”?
Ugh, what sort of military lets someone serve with an Emo Flip ‘do like that?
I’m confused, you don’t care about the law, just who’s enforcing it? Like when Obama enforced it, it was different? Idk, regardless of his rhetoric on other things, it seems to make sense to deport people who are in the US and also committing crimes.
I honestly don’t see the controversy on holding people who are undocumented and have also committed a crime. I don’t think police should go around checking papers, but if you are caught committing a crime in the US, what is the advantage of not holding you for deportation? Why would we want undocumented people who…
Now, now.....Let’s not pretend all Latinos have to think and believe the same things.
I would love to know how you define a crime, because the basic definition of crime has always been breaking the law. Overstaying visas, illegally crossing the border are all breaking the laws, so why aren’t they a crime?
Just to play devil’s advocate, would it have been better if the guy tipped 45 cents?
All good points, but when you lead with ‘whitesplain’ / ‘mansplain’ you lose your argument before you even make it, because you’re attacking the person and not the action.
I didn’t say black people. I said “Blackpeopletwitter” and It’s a place on the internet not a generalization. Take a look for yourself https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/
I guarantee the BPT subreddit is mostly white boys. Just saying it’s that kinda vernacular.
If you browse reddit at all BPT makes it to the front page a few times a day (also most of the users probably aren’t actually black people) and that is the kind of vernacular they use. I know Kotaku staff reddits so they would get it even tho you weren’t aware.
Patty also had a crush on Pig Pen!:
Wait can you actually burn shoes as a weapon or is that like ‘blackpeopleTwitter’ speak?
Using ‘Whitesplain’ and ‘mansplain’ is a poor way to try and make an argument.
Eh, I think that the only way to cut this Gordian knot (without setting it on fucking fire) is to call out and encourage decency. It’s at a premium nowadays, and I feel like people are so caught up in their right to feel injured/afraid/angry that the knot just gets tighter.
“We may come from different cultures and may disagree on certain issues, but if everyone would share their smile and kindness like your beautiful smile, our country will come together as one people,” the note reads. “Not race. Not gender. Just American.” Then he added, “God Bless!”
Fuck that. There are no excuses for being a dipshit to your opponent despite them playing fairly and on the same ground as you.
We’re done here.
While this certainly fits with the nationalist tone of our new administation, I just want to be “that guy” and point out that this exact same bill has been introduced to every new Congress for the last 20 years. We all need to be alert, but this may not be the harbinger of doom that it appears to be at first glance.