Rose Is In Hell

To be fair, I think that the “Economic Disaster” that Trump was referencing had little to do with corporate returns and the increased value of capital, but rather the declining value of labor in the market and the out-of-control growth of income inequality and employment insecurity. Not that Trump would use those

why are people taking this personally? Holy shit, “ I have a wii u as primary console”, “I have played more wii u than any other console”. I dont care if you do or dont, you do not represent the vast majority of gamers who look at the wii u and see nothing of value for them. I really like the Wii U games, thing is,

Hmmm. And you don’t think any of the things you mentioned would occur with Clinton as president.

After Platinum dropped a TMNT game with no local multiplayer I stopped paying as much attention to their future projects. I just feel like they are losing their touch.

Lots of A-listers don’t have a star because they don’t want to show up. Al Pacino, Clint Eastwood, Julia Roberts, Denzel Washington... none of them have a star. Celebs who do want a star often buy one to coincide with a movie release. It’s basically pay-to-play.

 it’s about goddamn time.

There’s a part of me that would love to see God say ‘You’ve gotten it wrong for too long. Let me explain.”

Or they are simply “blow up the system” populists. If you are against the current system, being anti-Hillary is pretty easy. I didn’t vote for Trump or Clinton - third party for me - but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see why Trump would be favored by a subset of Warren/Sanders supporters.

You don’t seem to understand how a Constitutional Republic works. In the United States, the President is not chosen democratically. This is a good thing.

Gee, the one unifying theme in all these was a dislike and mistrust of Hillary. Something much of the left agrees with. Someone remind me why the DNC pretty much anointed her as the nominee again?

I am glad that it was not just me.

Seems like an open and shut case to me. It’s not fair to only serve tourists to black people.

Hi. I live in Japan. I don’t live in Tokyo but I go there often.

It’s because she’s hot. There is no real secret or special reason. Japanese men like her because she is hot. That is why Japanese like any female western celebrity. It is no different to you. It just happens to be more exotic for us.

you hit the nail on the head, sister!

Some people are likely going to argue that the shooter was gay and driven to kill due to his closeted homosexuality, rather than his religion or political ideology. Others will argue that the issue was the shooter’s maleness, the size of his penis, or his hatred of minorities.

Why so skeptical?

Why does the fact he may have been wearing a Santa Claus outfit imply it’s not terrorism? I’m confused.

This is absurd. People have used exfoliating scrubs forever, and natural ones (apricot or honey&almond) are better than the [recently removed] plastic bead ones.

Stomp your feet and cry a little harder. Bourbon is whiskey made from corn. Not all corn whiskey is bourbon, yet ALL bourbon is whiskey.

Quit being a Canadian Idiot.

Some others I really like: Tiny Wings, Tilt to Live, Ticket to Ride, The Incident, Groove Coaster, Dungeon Raid, Cut the Rope, Mega Jump.