Rose Is In Hell

I’ve heard plenty of horror stories about other countries. It’s a reminder that this country is so great. But that doesn’t give anyone a free pass in here. You’re right, perhaps out of desperation many people break our laws to come here illegally. That doesn’t excuse what they did is illegal, and that in coming here

No human on this earth has never suffered. I hope you never have kids because you will only be spreading your evil asshole tendencies to apply baseless insults.

The problem with the violent ones are they keep coming back in. That’s a whole other issue, we need to secure our border so that the ones we kick out stay out.

I’m listening, but that fine better be some high five figures, and at least a year’s worth of community service. She doesn’t legally belong in society, if she wants to rejoin it without facing deportation it should require no small or short-term sacrifice on her part.

I can guarantee you she’s not, because I haven’t broken any laws. And I am objectively an American, and she is objectively not.

I already showed you the evidence. The fact that suddenly legalizing all immigrants would make them contribute more doesn’t change the fact they are draining us now and that granting them a free pass is morally wrong.

Nope, sorry. I’m a legal citizen who pays taxes and properly contributes to society. And that doesn’t even include private charity.

There is a way for her to earn citizenship. It’s long and arduous, and it’s only made that way because she came here illegally. It’s much easier to come here legally than to try and come back now that she’s been deported.

We accept more legal immigrants each year than any other nation. We accept millions in visas and nearly 1 million as permanent residents. Don’t tell me immigration is impossible to go through. It’s not, and there is no justification for illegally coming here. There sure as hell isn’t justification for staying here for

The evidence isn’t on the other side at all. The criticism was that there are many illegal immigrants who if made legal would benefit society and the study ignored that. But nobody’s contesting that. We’re arguing that in their current state they’re a drain on society, and that’s a problem. And until we can all agree

I don’t have to, end of story. If you’re born here you’re an American. Her children are Americans. But she’s not.

Yes. If you can actually agree that she would ideally be far lower down the list to be deported, I can agree to that.

Actually no because she’s not entitled to receive Social Security benefits. Only American citizens are.

Read this.

Really cause I found an article that debunks exactly what you just showed me. It’s actually just skewed bullshit.

She wasn’t supposed to stay here for 20 years like a parasite.

I wouldn’t contest changing the laws on visas to allow immigrants to work where the market needs them. That sounds like something everyone can get behind.

Her crime—no quotes because it is actually against the law—was coming here illegally and staying here for 20 years knowing that she was here illegally the whole time. FYS.

I already know how long it would take. Nobody said breaking the law should be easy-street. Are you kidding me, why should it be? She’s been evading justice for 20 years.

Unless you’re prepared to explain where why and how any of my words pertained to race, you can fuck yourself right back.