NYC, North Carolina, Texas, Detroit and California. Plus contributors in Japan, Germany, Sweden, the UK and Australia. We’re everywhere.
NYC, North Carolina, Texas, Detroit and California. Plus contributors in Japan, Germany, Sweden, the UK and Australia. We’re everywhere.
His face should accidentally make contact with a crowbar.
In before “You guys are dumb. It’s Korean junk, there is no way it’s that good”
I would watch a car show hosted by Adam Savage.
Oh, brilliant thought - a science show hosted by Adam Savage and James May.
Saw the title, didn’t even need to see the argument. Of course you can be an enthusiast. If the only car you own is a Prius, you can be an enthusiast. Being an enthusiast isn’t about the car you own, it’s about the cars you want to drive.
“Ugh, he has this ugly old jeep that doesn’t even have windows, but it’s supposed to be worth, like, a couple million dollars or something.”
The only people who should be deciding what gets phased out when for mass consumption are consumers.
I still love the Hitler parody’s the best.
“When I mention that their previous car would have been paid off in three years and now this one is going to take five years and a total of seven years of car payments combined, their response is, “But I got a new car.”
Here I see the exact reason why Americans can't imagine driving on a road without any speed limit.