
Holy shit, do people actually take memes this seriously? They’re funny pictures with captions not a doctoral thesis on existentialism.

To osu:

The game was released unfinished and with tons of left-out story. Tabata has no grasp of narrative or storytelling. I don’t know how people see this game as a success.

You’re high.

Yeah, Ive played every main entry as well, barring 11 and 14 as theyre MMOs, which I dont play. 13 was a fantastic story with solid gameplay, 15 was a chopped up mess with uneven pacing and tons of technical issues. Towering achievement? Youve set the bar real low.

My reaction to this is a big, fat MEH. FFXV was so underwhelming. Such wasted potential. What they should have done is focus on getting it right the first time by giving us a camera that worked properly, combat that didnt feel all over the place, a meaningful, well developed story with proper character development, a

I’m going to reference my profession, just once, to contextualize what I’m going to say next: I have spent the last decade as a professor of Literature (and Rhet/Comp, but whatevz).

I say that to say this: Final Fantasy XV is by turns a brilliant, revelatory, and absolutely necessary change in direction for a franchise