
I'm sure he has received terrible messages - which I do not condone (I think them but don't send them out to the world ….) - because you can see examples of that on the relevant twitter hashtag. Someone also posted a screenshot of a Facebook comment by a woman with the surname Lenk, married to James I assume,

Yes, I'm with you. The evidence of planning (specifically requesting her etc) weirdly makes the known facts more baffling. As I said in another comment, I'd been assuming if Avery did it it was opportunistic - but if he planned it, the haphazard disposal of crucial evidence makes even less sense.

And the garage. That thing was packed with junk, no way you could scrub all the blood/physical matter that would get everywhere if you shot someone in there. And why would the bullet be in there if the murder didn't occur there?

Well that additional 'evidence' you mention about Avery calling her and requesting her just raises more questions imho, and ones that do not tend to guilt. I'd been assuming that if he did do it (a possibility I'm open to) it was opportunistic. But if he planned it …. that makes it less plausible the car was still in

oh my god Mother Love! Being Australian we had a lot more British TV than Americans (like, 18 hours a day on the ABC …) and I watched this when it came out. Is this the one where she feeds someone (spoiler) poisoned marzipan?? Because every time I encounter marzipan in life I think of it.