Rosa Nutkana: pro-guillotine voter

*puts on nerd glasses* I think I saw this one as a finalist for the University of Chicago alumni magazine's annual peep diorama contest. That or one of my nerd friends who keeps up with that thing(u-of-c-ers frequently have serious devotion/inferiority complexes to/about that school) emailed to me.

Have you considered that some of the problems in the financial sector of the economy sprang from over confidence and the belief in endless growth? That perhaps the privileged had a mass psychological delusion, springing from an unbalanced experience, that they had the power to manifest, but which crumbled against

Multiple-drug-resistant bacteria deigned(for they were clearly superior to me and my humble immune system) to dine on my eardrums once. It was much more painful than childbirth without anesthesia. It actually motivated me to take much better care of myself so as to minimize the chance of ever experiencing that much

I knew someone would show up to say that, look I'm not denying your experience, it is just that yours seems to be in the minority. Good for you though, no really, I am very pro psychedelics for the human race(mostly, probably not psychotics, and definitely not small children).

On the silk road there are those who independently test and evaluate sellers goods. It is true you have to be wary, but that is always the case with banned substances. Real acid is hard to come by, it takes a pretty high level of knowledge make, and some years ago one of major makers of acid in the U.S was put away

Your friend is DMT. No scratch that, I've read the banks of Erowid, no one is really friends with that crazy fucker. Too bad that's the one that gets released by your pineal gland when you die.

Psst. It is called "the silk road", you need a special program called Tor to find it, and you'll need to buy some bitcoins too.

I live on an island, so it is obvious to me, but maybe not others that burial at sea is another reasonably ecological alternative. Provided of course, that the body has not been pumped with embalming fluid.

I am in a nearly identical situation to you, and yes, it is very difficult at times. For myself the hardest part is understanding my husband's complete lack of fear of failure and complete trust in the world. It is easy to be that way when your life experience is that a)you cannot fail because you already won the

I just wanted to add that my use of the term "fat people" was not meant to offend, I have a couple of very good friends who consider themselves part of a "fat acceptance" movement, and so we use the word quite a bit around one another. I forgot that while I employ the phrase without judgement, there those for whom it

I went through a couple of chubby phases in my childhood and youth, and I was miserable about it. To this day, prejudice against fat people of any age can still make me flush with anger.

Awareness of how you are perceived(and that is not limited to how you look) is not a bad thing, it is milestone of sorts, but yes, it is very sad that our society is so sick that it is making neurotics out of children.

The documented age of fat awareness gets younger and younger, the last I read girls as young as 4 years old reported fears of becoming fat or looking fat. Before that it was 7 years old. By now I wouldn't be surprised if it was 2 or 3. It is condescending to school aged children to tell them that they are fat. They

With the data that we have about their capabilities we can construct an argument about their intelligence. I choose to see it that way and it is founded on data. That is not talking out my arse. It is called a P. O. V. Just like the argument you are making.

This is the third time during this "dialogue" that I've said that I do not give a fuck about eating horses or not, not even if they have the wisdom of Lao Tzu. Is that clear enough? Again, you are projecting, so much so that you have failed to comprehend what I have clearly written.

I began the first sentence of the initial post with "I have no qualms with eating horse...". It is not just my experience that horses are more intelligent than say, chickens or goats, it is verifiable via science. It was completely your projection that I think this makes them better or more deserving of anything. The

I am not ignorant about what CAFOs are. Your projections as to what I am about are totally absurd and condescending. You have no idea what my moral sphere is, but I can say that your morals do not put you above trying to insult strangers. Being abrasive isn't going to persuade anyone to your cause.

You are just looking to be offended. I have raised chickens, turkeys, goats, rabbits, crayfish, etc. I have been around and worked with cattle, sheep, pigs(both pet ones and ones raised for food) so I would venture to guess that of the two of us you are probably the more ignorant about farm life. Permaculture is my

Exactly. This is not about my taboos, it is about the security and weaknesses of our food system. Which is a HUGE deal when you stop to think about it. The regulatory capture of the U.S.D.A by transnational corporations is problematic to say they least and until it gets better I expect more and worse stories related

I have no qualms with eating horse, or really most meats(no predators, seagulls, or monkeys unless I am in a life threatening situation), but as anyone who rides horses can tell you, horses are more intelligent and loving than your average barnyard animal. Horses are used therapeutically just like dogs and cats, in