
Go stroke your penis elsewhere

I found this amusing, except for the fibromyalgia dig.

I’ve interviewed the author of this post and Emma Sulkowicz for Gawker. I consider myself to have a reasonable bullshit detector, and a strong grasp of the issues involved at Columbia. I found the author and Emma surprisingly forthright, wholly credible, and supremely conscientious at all points in our interviews. I

Sadly we see a lot of instances like this, where the process of bringing the accused to justice proves to be too emotionally onerous for the accuser.

One of the things I value so much, reading this story, is how clearly it shows the way that reporting someone isn’t always and shouldn’t be assumed to be a horrible excision of deep personal trauma—that the author reported him with the primary goal of keeping other women safe.

At this point, I should be used to seeing backlash against Emma Sulkowicz, but I still wasn’t fully prepared for

Please don’t do this. Please. You do NOT have to use every last molecule of mascara. Buy the small tubes or multi packs and discard them after two months. Staph infection, pink eye, etc. Just not worth it as a money saver and very bad advice.

I thought this would be a big moment for the transgender community. Turns out it's a big moment for everyone. So inspired. Let's all be who we are and be happy, shall we?

I am totally with you. I also truly believe in Kim and Kanye’s love.

I hope no one judges me negatively for this, but I absolutely love that about them. They have a lot of flaws, but for the most part, they seem to know how to be a family in a really great way. The three Kardashian sisters remind me a LOT of me and my sisters.

You know, the thing I really appreciate about the Kardashians is that when the shit hits the fan, they close ranks and they support each other. When Kim was getting shit about sex tapes, when Kourtney was knocked up for the first time, when Khloe was going through all her troubles with Lamar Odom, they stood by each

I assume he must have stopped taking hormones in order to father Kendall and Kylie; he's also maintained male secondary sex characteristics until recently, which indicates that he was still producing testosterone.

He definitely does. I just wish I knew what he’d look like if he hadn’t had the work done.

And Bruce looks fucking amazing, in the images I’ve seen from this interview so far.

I know it means nothing coming from me, but I'm proud of him. I watched a clip that said he's 65 and it just made me so sad that he has spent so long unable to be himself. I hope he finds true happiness.

i haven’t seen the interview. i’ve only seen the clip on gawker’s post but i teared up. i am so happy for him and what an inspiration! he’s been getting shitted on for so long now and he was still brave enough to come out. i hope his family will do some research themselves and learn as much as they can to be as

If you’re going to be nasty/say transphobic things about Brucer Jenner’s transition, reconsider your life. You're clearly a shit bag.

So I didn't catch the interview. Does this mean that Kris know about Bruce being transgender before they were married? Was he taking hormones this entire time? Or did he stop? He looks really good in this interview, I'm glad for him.

Good for Bruce. And it’s good to see he has so many people close to him supporting him, despite any/those who don’t.

I have only seen bits and pieces but I’m looking forward to watching it in its entirety. I did see some of the interview with his kids though, and it got the waterworks started. I loved when Brandon said he is getting an upgraded version of his father, and how proud he is to be in the family. And say what we will