Rosalind Franklin's Frankenkitty

His lies are hurting him, it will take some time for the damage to take effect. When the crisis hits, no one will believe anything he has to say. And when we need the president to a be a sober presence he will invariably try and make himself look good no matter what, and it will not be a laughing matter. Tackling a

And yet no sense that anything at all will become of this. Trump lies with impunity. Words have lost all meaning.

Others have pointed out where you’re wrong, but allow me to add: Courts do not enforce the law. Learn how our country works first, then offer suggestions on how to fix it. I’d also say you should try a less snarky/sarcastic tone while trying to improve the world. It helps people take you more seriously and engage

People above have (rightly) called you out for the heartless tone of this post, but allow me to just mention the holes in your analogy. If you’ve robbed a bank, then obviously the police would like you to face justice. If, however, you’re also the sole witness to a murder, then quite often the police will refrain from

Thing is, this is actually bad for policing. If you have a community of people unwilling to talk to cops, that means they won’t report crimes, won’t serve as witnesses, and are far likelier themselves to be victimized.

ROBBING A BANK AND BEING CAUGHT IS NOT ANALOGOUS TO BEING AN UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT, YOU FUCKER. Why don’t you take a one way flight to northern Iraq (without any cash and only the clothes on your back), or to an impoverished area of Cuba, or to the murder capital of Mexico or Columbia, or to one of the five countries

Mazel Tov! This is the most heartless shit I’ve had the displeasure of reading in a while...

Yes, you fucking jackass. That’s EXACTLY what I’m saying.

It looks like that’s starting to happen at the courthouse where I work. It’s very worrisome - and will definitely impact the work we do at our courthouse, and elsewhere. People are going to be more hesitant to file claims, to be witnesses, to defend their cases if they think that ICE is going to be waiting for them.

I can’t wait for Paul Ryan’s take on this. “Well, of course I don’t agree with the Nazis, but President Trump is responsible for picking his own team. Now let me tell you about this great new health plan! We found a way to bump another 24 million people off of Medicaid!”

Not trump’s thumbs [or more probably forefinger] on that tweet - no chance he knows the word ‘taoiseach,’ or how to spell it.

White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney defended Trump’s cuts by arguing that after-school programs aimed at feeding children after school aren’t “helping kids do better at school.”

“Gorka said that while he wore medals associated with Vitézi Rend, he did so to honor his father’s “struggle against totalitarianism” and not as evidence of membership with the anti-Semitic group.”

You mean they respected the Obama administration and were in turn shown respect? Yeah, Trump and his cronies are morons when it comes to giving respect to others.

Listen to a BBC reporter conduct an interview to see how it should be done.... they dont accept complete bullshit answers they way the American press does.

Game theory - the White House correspondents are painting Spicer and the Administration into a corner.. so that when the House and Senate committees do come out and say it didn’t happen, Trump, Spicer, et al. will look even more foolish.

At least Karl pressed him for an actual answer instead of letting Spicy just yell and ramble instead. They’re learning to be combative, which is nice.

Yep! Lots of people have said this. Fans have even started calling her out for using feminism as a brand or when it suits her needs, especially when she didn’t participatee in the Womens March and only made a passing tweet. It’s like Katy Perry, Rihanna and Beyonce were out there. But especially Katy Perry, it’s like

That’s my only issue with it. Feminism is political. You can’t just put it on when you want like a designer jacket and expect people not to call you out on that. 

YES. If you’re going to explicitly and intentionally profit from the political movement you damn well better also help it along.