Rosalind Franklin's Frankenkitty

Yeah, I noticed that. When you consider Steve Bannon’s (patently, absurdly false) claim that more than two-thirds of tech CEOs are Asian ethnics, it becomes pretty obvious that this Administration despises all sorts of non-whites—but especially the ones who have been most economically successful. What’s

Your post is worth zero without a definition of what you think fascism is.

I “love” how some people can’t understand the concept that some brown people were born here, and sometimes their parents, and sometimes their parents’ parents. It’s as though everyone who’s not white is an immigrant (taking jobs, committing crime, etc.)

Excellent news, both for Jordan Peele and for fans of new kinds of horror movies. If Peele has another dream project after this, he’ll probably get the support for it now.

And any doctor who wishes to be able to prescribe Viagra has to have admitting privileges at the local hospital.

And that’s how you ensure your child will have a bondage fetish.

“...shows a lack of a basic understanding of human biology.”

“consider the repercussions of the sexual relationship that they’re gonna have, which is a child.”

That. is. HILARIOUS. The perfect illustration of a “I’ll go if it’s important to you but don’t expect me to socialize” boyfriend moment.

Right, this guy in particular has been in the news frequently enough for this sort of shit that we can feel pretty safe in saying “Steve King is a white supremacist”. Yes, his comments were controversial, but what’s more important now is the consistent pattern of racism that he’s displayed.

I’m also fucking tired of the media pussyfooting around saying things like “King said controversial comments” or “Comments that might be viewed as racially biased and insensitive” and just say the guy is a fucking white supremacist who believes in the same things as the Ku Klux Klan and that Nazi Party.

I live in SC, so I hear the flag “heritage” bullshit all the fucking time. These yokels think it’s cool to be subtly racist, but guys like King mainstream it.

Displaying a Confederate flag on your desk should be instantly disqualifying, especially when you represent a state that fought for the Union. Iowa, y’all deserve better than this.

I suppose I should be surprised that this dude thinks biological isolationism is even possible in a nation with near 400million people. After all he’s part of the same group that thinks a wall across our southern border is a solid option for stopping people from coming in, in a world where we have planes and boats and

So you’re much better off for the next ten years of your life, then the few months you’re bankrupted (and then die) following a car crash are much shorter. 10 years of wealth is bigger than 6 months of poverty.

I find it hard to believe anything an anonymous internet commenter says is too harsh for these dystopia-feuling, poor-hating, racist shitheels. But I trust your judgment.

“Oh the Muppet is on,” my Mom whenever she hears a song of his. I genuinely think she doesn’t know his name.

I came here ready to hate this but it’s super adorable that they booked him as a surprise for Maisie. Proceed, you ginger hobbity noisemaker, and make my darling girl happy.

I’m not on board with all the Ed Sheeran hate, but I must admit, “tattooed puff pastry” is an excellent insult.

Oh sure, NOW the republicans believe in science