I don’t think so. It’s invasive and wrong for parents to post mainly because you can't get something off the internet once it's on there, but pornography is one of those “know it when you see it” sort of things and a parents pictures of their baby would be highly unlikely to qualify.
I don’t understand why some parents are under the impression that everything they do should be shared on social media. If nothing else, have some self preservation and realize that if you raise your children to have no sense of privacy, they're certainly not going to hold back when it comes to over sharing about you.
Exactly. I personally need my “fuck off” fund as Jez called it, if I ever lose my job or lose my partner. On the other side of that, I think I could support a family with my salary, but could not support two households in the event of a divorce, but also think it’s unconscionable to allow your ex to end up in poverty…
1). Not in the US at the very least. I’m not looking up family leave by country, so can’t say 100% which countries offer it. I’d like to see statistics on who takes it (since the default is still presumed to be women when leave must be taken).
Nope. how are these not all examples of gender discrimination: 1) maternity leave without paternity leave- puts the onus on women to have their careers suffer, not men.
Clearly, her hands weren't in front of her face like she thought then.
Retirees, the unemployed, and college students. Two of the three, I could see going for him, so this is actually the most logical tv choice I could have thought of for him.
Is there another term you’d prefer? Since you’re a fan of statistics and all, I’m sure you’re aware that women make less money and then *shock and awe* have less disposable income. Less disposable income = less ability to provide for a partner who doesn’t contribute financially.
It makes me wonder if they knew she went to the police right away. “Search her phone, officer. I said right in the text that she enjoyed rough sex. There’s a paper trail and everything.”
I just realized that my comments can come across like I’m judging your choice to work or not. That’s definitely not my intent! My original comment was in response to a comment basically saying the only reason a woman would value a mans income would be if she want to rely on a man to provide for her and i was providing…
It tells me that men don’t value their partners contribution despite clear evidence that women abound in the work force. It also tells me women are realistic in a world where one income often doesn’t provide enough to comfortably have a family if the couple remains together and one income is definitely not enough to…
I agree that it’s terrible that situations like that financially ruin families, but unfortunately that’s the situation for most people. If I got hit by a car or something, I’d want my partner to have either have some earning potential or at least access to a big ass life insurance policy because I am a huge worrier. I…
That makes complete sense. You’re doing what works best for your family, makes you happy, AND as bonus points, you even still have connections in your industry if God forbid, your wife were to get ill or lose her job.
That’s also a thing I’ve never heard a woman say. Is your world black and white? Sound or no sound? If there is sound, do people gasp in horror when someone calls someone else “buster”? I strongly suspect you are living in an old black and white film and I will send help as soon as I can figure out how.
Yes! I want to know about this mythical wonderland some of these people are living in where men are just paying for everything! Women work too and while we aren't paid at an equal level as men, it's not like we're working for pocket money.
I know! I hear it’s in every cell of your body and it’s making all these reactions happen?!I don’t want my body to react! What if I spontaneously become a nuclear weapon?!
I agree, but the precedent works both ways. If I pissed off Walmart and they came after me for something bogus, they sure as hell should have to pay my fees when they lose, for example. Legally, everything seems fair, but morally, like you, I think companies should choose to eat the costs in special circumstances.
Absolutely. I’d like to see more male homemakers as well because it’s always good for kids to grow up seeing that both men and women play an equal role in raising children and to have someone who can take the pressure off a partner with a high pressure job.
I immediately clicked all of the party parrots. The flashing is making me ill. I think this post and by extension the new iOS update just gave me epilepsy.