Upvote for the West Wing bit. Cantankerous old State Department fixture who annoys Bartlet to much that Jed starts banging his head on the desk.
Upvote for the West Wing bit. Cantankerous old State Department fixture who annoys Bartlet to much that Jed starts banging his head on the desk.
Thanks so much!
Like Rosalie said,
You guys Hugh Grant is SO GOOD in this! I did not think he had this kind of character in him and I am LOVING IT. I really liked this episode. Excited to see the next one! Also her green coat was divine.
Mister Sam Mendes
The idea is that Sarah relayed the instructions to him, and he has evidence it worked so he’ll do it too.
Mostly this movie just made me really happy. What a damn fine thing that is.
“On a less progressive note, there’s no getting past the overwhelming whiteness of the interview subjects”
Yeah, I guess it was shortsighted for them to only interview people *actually* involved. Maybe instead they should’ve pretended that some of the victims were POC so that they could be more balanced?
JFC, it’s god…
Fuck, me too.
This is such a weird dig at Amanda Peet’s acting abilities.
I was one of those people who really loved Like Crazy (and I actually still do I watch it semi-regularly), and I still haven’t figured out if Doremus’s movies have gotten worse or if I just saw Like Crazy at the right time in my life (early 20s) and so the same tactics just don’t grab me anymore. But yeah the ones…
That’s what i get for 1/2 watching. : )
The only time I liked Dempsey was when he was sorta going through an identity crises or something, and played the recurring role of Sela Ward’s autistic brother on Once and Again. Of course that had great writing (depending on how much you can stomach Herskovitz/Zwick dramas like this, thirtysomething and My So-Called…
It was all but inevitable that This Is Us would eventually do a “what if” Sliding Doors-style storyline. I assumed…
god, that scene was SO NECESSARY!! Reminded me of the boat scene in the last season :( JUST HUG, ROY CHILDREN, JUST HUG!!
It's the magic of what he does with his posture
Definitely my favorite. So many interesting character developments. I love how Tom’s almost gleeful that Greg is blackmailing him. I thought he’d be pissed but it makes perfect sense! He lives for the cutthroat business world; he expects people to be after him all the time cuz he’s after them! Why wouldn’t he respect…
Reminds me of my favorite Portlandia skit:
“Where are you now?”
“I am home,” Steven types onto a blank screen in the opening of “Silence Lay Steadily,” and…