
All of this. I fell in love with No Reservations back in, I dunno, maybe 2008ish? and then read Kitchen Confidential which was a fascinating, very well-written book, but the kitchen scenes squicked me right the fuck out: the glorification, and later in his own words, romanticism of highly toxic work environments. I

Speaking as someone with mental illnesses who has mostly chosen to be single partly as a consequence of those illnesses, I have the upmost respect for Davidson.

My thought too!!!!!! Oh Bernard you rascal.

Just what we need another cop/medic/firefighter/ER show. I was not sure which of the 999 other ones on TV I was going to watch. Look kids according to tv there are only 6 professions available as an adult: cop, medic, firefighter, doctor, nurse, lawyer and everyone hooks up at work with the other good-looking people.

Some men prefer women who are crazy.


Came back here to tell you that you are a goddamn genius!

what @Dwigt said.

I really did not like Alicia by the time the series ended.

I feel the same way about the lead actor performance (Gary Oldman will win but my heart belongs to Timothée Chalamet) and about the supporting actress (I want Laurie Metcalf to win even though I love Allison Janney).

Can more of us please give a star to this article (at the top of the page)?

But can he help me make thousands of dollars a week working from home?

The cat song might be my new favorite song from this show.

I loved Ground Floor, and had not put together than Gube was Threepeat.

The sole purpose of this post is to acknowledge and celebrate Rene Gube, who is freaking hilarious as Father Brah and apparently a brilliant writer as well. Thank you for your time.

It was pointed out on Reddit etc. already, but:

Give Sufjan his fucking Oscar.

Meryl Streep is a great actress but this “gets nominated just for showing up” thing she’s got going every year is a bit ridiculous

Would it have killed them to add “ the coward Andrew Cunanan” to the title?