It probably involves her in multiple settings of a dream sequence, her flying at some point, a car, a bed, a black-and-white segment, everything super child-like, blah, blah, blah, I’m bored already.
It probably involves her in multiple settings of a dream sequence, her flying at some point, a car, a bed, a black-and-white segment, everything super child-like, blah, blah, blah, I’m bored already.
Super proud of her for telling the damn truth regardless but fucking bummed that she lost her coin. I really hope this winds up opening new and better doors for her.
P.S. I will never be able to forget this song since my name is actually Becky :/
I really hope she beefs with Beyoncé at some point so Twitter is nothing but venomous bees and snakes. Like Australia.
This ‘secret project’ wouldn’t happen to be coming to fruition in, say, 2020 would it?
As someone who went to North Korea because they really wanted to visit North Korea, I hate when people line up to post this query in any article about North Korea.
You really don’t understand it? I mean, I’d never do it but i’d get it. It’s dangerous and forbidden and risk takers and adrenaline junkies get off on that kind of thing. Not to mention that this is a kid we are talking about. I know when I was 21-22 years old, my decision making was very suspect. Just so happens that…
HAHAHA OH GOD PLEASE LET’S HAVE A WORLD LEADERS ROAST OF TRUMP AFTER HE GETS IMPEACHED. Macron, Merkel, Turnbull, Trudeau, hell let’s invite everyone. It’ll be like the Olympics, only only one night and there’s only one event: roasting the shit out of a disgraceful asshole.
I don’t believe that married men live longer than unmarried ones, it just feels longer.
I wonder if it’s that men tend to get the better deal out of relationships (http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/marriage-and-mens-health) and so would have fewer incentives to open up the arrangement.
I’m not arguing that it was wildly inappropriate for the occasion or for the person wearing it. I’m merely saying the lengha itself isn’t that bad.
Threadjack: is anybody else seeing Jez flipped? Usually on my screen the stories are on the right and the “you may want to” stuff’s on the left but it’s all turned around.
Maybe the cheerleaders did something completely disgusting and amoral, like going to a restaurant with a married man.
One attack ad painted Ossoff as too inexperienced
Refusing to be seen in public with their trans partner speaks volumes about those men. I hope everyone who goes through something like that can know that it is their partner’s own insecurity that is the issue, not them. Hopefully this article will help spread that message, too. Thank you for writing it.
God doesn’t exists, next question.
When someone does something fucked up and regularly uses the passive voice run, run for your fucking life. lol