
“Driving with uber seems incredibly profitable if you do it in your part time like it’s designed.”

So demand increased and that’s why she went out of business?

Reading that was cathartic and I empathize with the daughter. I was abused as a kid and I’m currently trying to negotiate and grapple with both loving my parents and being angry with them. They pretty much refuse to acknowledge the damage and hurt they inflicted and just deflect and guilt trip. It is not helpful when

“The future is female”..... what the fuck ever.

Is it a slur here though? Monkey is a racial slur, yes, but it’s also used to refer to the organ grinder’s dancing monkey, someone who performs degrading tasks upon command. Spicer is a white guy who is this administration’s dancing monkey. I’m not seeing the slur.


okay, now we NEED Rosie to play Bannon...

High pressure cold front for Billy Bush, amirite?

We exist solely for Joe Biden.

Inmates seem to be running various asylums at the moment.

She made $3 million for 48 seconds. Honestly, I’d let most people beat me up for less than a minute for that much money...but I also have very hefty student loans.

Reminds me of this meme

Dude, spoiler alert???? WTF???


Contemplating marriage, I gave Carrie a sapphire ring and subsequently in the romance she gave me a Donald Roller Wilson oil painting of a monkey in a blue dress next to a tiny floating pencil, which I kept for years until it began to frighten my children

If every single Democrat doesn’t vote against DeVos, I will snap. She is a horrible monstrous person.

I’m going to guess that this is the reason—DeVos, Puzder, Sessions are worth devoting lots of energy/time.

Hugo. Got it.

It’s so quaint that Pia Toscano incorporated granny panties into her wedding ensemble.