
If you’re carrying enough water weight to produce tears, you’re too bloated for the runway fam.

I felt like they were eating Michael K’s (of dlisted) bread-and-butter here.

(ok, not kindergarten. preschool. PRESCHOOL.)

More recently she lived through the Civil Rights movement and anti-Vietnam War movement, and should appreciate the power of disciplined, nonviolent protest. No excuses.

Also Mittens fuck you for the the “our wives and daughters” because we’re property first, right? Don’t grope my property’s pussy!


And I do the same on my side. Thank you for your kind words.

As a Black woman, it always weirds me out when people say things like this, as I experience, see, read, and hear about people being openly racist to people who look like me every day, and know firsthand how strong anti-Black racism is in many Asian communities. This idea that other POC and some white people have that


Would’ve been more fun if Garner said she was dating Angelina Jolie.

I just wanted to know how shiny her hair was.


“trembling autumnal leaf Nicole Kidman”

*goes on feminist website*

Can we get that porn-y comment dismissed, please? Nobody cares about that dude’s boner. Replying to you so he can’t dismiss me, hoping Ms Lutkin sees this.

You’re the only one looking sad here buddy. You sound just like Trump.

“It’s no secret you can get killed for living in your American skin”

I feel like I need to clarify: this is a denial joke (the rare kind not based on Egypt puns, which should for sure count for extra points)

My son has a partially paralyzed arm from a birth injury. He is unable to wear “normal” jeans because he can’t do the zipper and button. Land’s End is the only place I can find elastic waist pants that look like regular jeans. They also have several other colors he can wear. They’ve been a lifesaver for us.