
I commend her ability to stand "without no hips."

Beauty has no gender, but it does have a race, weight, and amount of body hair

The photoshopped penis is actually way less strange looking than the overly smoothed out Barbie pubis of the lady one... Wouldn't Eve have had a pretty sweet bush?

Beauty might not have a gender, but this photograph doesn't illustrate a challenge to any other standard of beauty. #hater #cynical

Hey, I hope this is relevant and doesn't offend anyone, but I've been wondering for a while if self-deprecation is partly a cultural and racial phenomenon. Like, if you're white, making fun of yourself and drawing attention to your flaws (a la Jennifer Lawrence) is seen as quirky and humanizing. If you're black,

I want more. I want it to never end.

Donald Sterling..... uhhhhhhhhhhh...... I really think the last hope for his image is to STFU and have someone in his family claim he is suffering from dementia. Also, I like to imagine Liam watching Miley hump and giant blow up penis on stage thinking, "I can't believe I let her go."

Whatever the reason they were arguing, resorting to physical violence is bullshit. Not cool Solange, not cool. Go take out your rage like the rest of us do: by furiously stabbing at any food you can get your fork/spoon onto.

The question is: Where do you think Radar got the 500k number? Who do you think was leaking "early estimates"? Who is this mysterious "magazine insider"? Hmm?

I have two White female friends (one a friend from college, another a work friend) both married to Black men. Their realization of what it means to be associated with Black men and Black people in the US of A has led them both to awakenings like KK's. Years into their relationships they are still jarred when they

You have a point, but is it really worth shitting on her because she didn't get it sooner? For some people (actually, a lot of people), it takes direct experience with an issue to understand it's importance. It's not ideal, but she can't exactly go back in time can she?

New York's hottest club is Garbage Alley. This place has everything: bummers, little sores, and Steve Hickeys, where you can sit by in gleeful judgment while eight gay guys take a dump on your bed.

"Emma Stone Says Let's Quit Judging Our Bodies"

What? No one has a lentil ring?

Heartbreaking. I am philosophically opposed to the death penalty for many reasons, but those reasons seem very hollow when I look at this poor girl's face and read how Lockett tortured her.

I always hate it when women are referred to as "wives, sisters, daughters" too but I hate it because it reduces a woman's worth to her relation to a man. We're people. Good enough reason to not rape us.

First reaction: Kind of sad that they mention "wives, sisters, daughters" and omitted assault on males entirely in the video. Can't you just use gender-neutral terminology for the sake of being all-inclusive?

Can we file this one away with the Great Pubic Hair Debate? As in, let's stop talking about it. I know men don't understand my turquoise eyeliner, OK? I've known ever since that survey in Seventeen magazine nearly two decades ago that told me that guys don't "understand" purple nail polish. I'm wearing purple nail

I feel this way about Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and that zombie show and yet I don't go around clicking on articles about minutiae related to those shows and leaving comments about how it is meaningless to me. You clearly care enough to comment, so now I am left wondering why.