
"First of all, I don't feel I'm at war with any of my sisters here... I'm at war with patriarchy, capitalism, and imperialism." - Rosa Clemente

I have to say, I'm super over this "omg, look what the crazy black man done did now!" narrative. Lots of people don't like or understand Kanye. Cool. No problem. Can't really argue with that. But the recent coverage of his interviews has been... inflammatory, and it ticks me off. (In general on the interwebs, not you

Best show on television. Hate on me, haters.

...sorry, I was just trying to help!

"Project power by visualizing filling a fat arrow extending 10' out."

No one heard Hillary the day she showed cleavage

Ellen Page is probably like shrug, whatever.

Isn't "homey" a real-estate euphemism for "cramped"?


The walls are covered in stencils of slightly misquoted Margaret Mead and Eleanor Roosevelt and Marilyn Monroe.

similar, but i thought this:

"I hurt people who are married and who believe in marriage."

"Business Sexual" is the best description ever.

I have gas.

I know a gilded cage when I see one.

But here's the problem. A woman's sexuality is, under the patriarchal system, the ONLY source of any power. Which is why it must be covered up, hidden and shamed. Take away sex, and you've taken away all the power. Using sexuality as a tool for power is ancient, but not, in and of itself, a positive move.

Our whole movement is about girl power


No, I've never done twerking, and I certainly haven't twittered the twerks or put any of them on The Facebook!