
One surefire way to get yourself a thigh gap is to saw off your thighs (just your thighs) and place them on opposite sides of the room. Soon you shall have gentleman callers galore.

"2013's hottest album release party is for Bangerz! It's got twerking, doorknob pigtails, former Disney tweens on Molly, wrecking balls made from cronuts, monkeys trained to sign the lyrics of Achy Breaky Heart, and Mini-MileyZ."


Get well soon, Seize! Please!!

That doctor needs to review HIPAA guidelines then.

Sad thing is, the woman probably considers herself a fan who gave Apple the tough talk she needed to hear.

I think you know why.

That 'chart' looks like something that would be used in a 'Saturday Night Live' skit to make of bullshit like this. Except this chart is a lot funnier than an SNL skit.

The word fat should simply be descriptive, not pejorative. Credit: Melissa McEwan

Ermmm, no.

This Lamp would look good
in that hallway.

I like Hillary and all, but I swear, the left's premature ejaculation over her candidacy is what makes me want to scream even louder when I see something like THIS. Let's expand the field, maybe? So a fresher-faced woman with some pretty serious guts like this can have a shot? Can my fellow "liberals" be more open

Make her be president please someone please yes thanks.

From that article you linked to:

Now playing

Lobbying for Christina Aguilera as Robot Samantha.

Jesus. Dear fellow white people; if someone says something mildly critical about us, and they get absolutely piled on, do you think that makes us look a) like good allies b)like raving lunatics unwilling to listen to the people who we're supposedly allying to?

Somehow it always becomes "a joke" when the shit hits the fan. A joke that the great unwashed masses are blamed for not getting. What's next? A fauxpology?

I would say that most of us can see some humor in the joke about the racial composition of staff, that's been a long standing issue of discussion here and you are far from the first to point it out. Your implication that Pompeo should shut up because she's a skinny white girl is what people took offense to —