The scene would have been better if you ripped the brake, and the truck slid about a foot, forcing you to 5 point slowly as traffic backed up all around you. All drivers and passengers casually watch you do this while judging you silently with their eyes.
Did you just compare the quality of $20K cars to $100K+ cars? Also, the jury is out on the quality of Model X, the catastrophe hasn’t been laid out for us in its entirety yet.
WARNING: Don’t text play War Craft and drive.
“I hate hipsters”, he wrote in a comment on a Gawker Media site. “Yeah, that’ll show ‘em!”
Shit, try being an avid fisherman and keeping your car clean and scent-free. It ain't easy.
I'm pretty positive the Prius has an engine. That's why it makes that engine noise when you step on the go pedal.