the PlayStation 4 version, however, is rock solid.
the PlayStation 4 version, however, is rock solid.
This isn’t exactly a horror story, but the juxtaposition is a fun one.
3 years out of college, my job unexpectedly closed down. I had two interviews that month, both in the same two days. One was at a shipping warehouse where international mail went in one crate, local mail went in another. No packing, inventory…
I guess they had a ...
I don't want to kick the game too much ... but man, I love that video:
The Final Fantasy XV demo, Episode Duscae, will be included with the upcoming release ofFinal Fantasy Type-0 HD on the PS4 and XBOX ONE next month. - corrected... Come on know something about what you are writing about, especially WHAT the damn game is being released on.
Jin Kim, Character Design Supervisor at Walt Disney Animation Studios, drew this Big Hero 6 piece to express his…
That has definitely been there a while, at least 6 months. I remember seeing Twitch streams on the game detail screen when viewing games. It has helped give me a better idea on smaller games like the new Geometry Wars. I hadn't seen much on it before its release and watching some of the streams helped me in buying the…
Network Like a spy
Getting butt hurt from all these articles. I live in the UK and made the mistake of pre-ordering the game from GAME. Unlike what they say on their site. They have the worst reputation than any other company for failing to deliver orders. But the special edition steel case made foolish enough to order from them even…
Reminds me of a joke I read years ago (thanks Internet for allowing me to dredge up old nostalgia):